31. weeks
Rapidly mature your baby's brain continues. Another fast-growing section of the baby's bones. Your baby in this week than ever is the need for more calcium. For this reason, milk and milk products should be consumed in abundance and need to see a doctor if the medication you should use calcium. Your baby's pupils react to light, even the opening and began to close. Growing baby and uterus can cause compression on your breast and chest in the face with the liquid ağrsı of çıkabilir.Bebek in favor of the ratio between the baby has narrowed the area it has become corrupted. Therefore the more you can feel your baby move. Have not previously noticed, even small movements can irritate you.
* 32 weeks
Subcutaneous fat tissue continues to develop the color of your baby begins to turn from red to pink. This week your baby's movements had increased well aware of the good state of movement is an indication edebilirsiniz.Bebeğin therefore be beneficial to learn to count movements. Fully developed, thus the baby's fingernails and fingertips, even though they take up their baby's growth rate declined. After this week, your doctor may want to see you once a week 2. This also means that now approaching birth. Learn about the symptoms of premature birth and must follow. Digestive system-related problems in dribs and drabs, but often consume high-fiber foods and drink plenty of fluids decrease. Cramps in the legs is often ratlanılan finding may be a symptom of your needs and your kaslsiyum. You must be nearing the end of your pregnancy vitamin uptake does not require cutting. This is necessary to use vitamins until birth.
* 33 weeks
As last week quickly approaching, and your baby's brain is formed, called neurons, billions of nerve cells in intra-uterine life, it helps to learn the around. Your baby can hear, feel, and are visible. This week your baby's head in diameter starts to grow faster than the former. Of your baby just like yours in the light gained the ability to shrink and grow in the dark. As your baby so you can see blurry. When your baby is like a large part neonates of sleep is. Even in adults, and in their eyes as deep sleep and rapid eye movement (Rapid eye movements, REM) can be determined. REM sleep time in adults represent the common dream. Your baby's dreaming and dreaming that he can not see we do not know but it's a nice idea if hayalş need to know. Lung development and maturity of your baby now is almost complete. Protect and maintain body temperature after birth served as a thickening of the subcutaneous fat tissue is ongoing. Infants gain weight rapidly in the last period of pregnancy. Your baby is now slowly into position for birth. If the head is above probably will have to be cesarean due to breech development. Closer to the end you realize that you can gain weight faster. Hands and feet have slight edema is normal but if there is severe başağrılarınız, Çakan or light spots you see, in the sudden swelling if there is an increase, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting is to preeklempsi in terms of the caution must be absolutely no time should contact your doctor. If your baby is very large, or if you are expecting twins or triplets within your stomach in your stomach because of excessive swelling and discomfort due to the compression may decrease your appetite. Your baby can distinguish between the knee and elbow strike. From time to time when you feel inside baby's jumping Do not panic. This is normal your baby sob and tamemen.
* 34 weeks
Your baby probably no longer in the lungs called surfactant materials are. Surfactant, the lungs allows air to air in the discharge of alveoli from sticking together after duvararının prevent is the substance. Much time in intensive care in infants born before surfactant is given from the outside. In case of lung surfactant birth of your baby is experiencing breathing problems likely means very low. Weight is around your baby ağırılığı 2. Is approximately 42 centimeters in length. Your baby's adrenal glands (adrenal) secrete the hormones that you can start producing milk. Your baby's sleep behaves like you. So now open your eyes while you sleep off and keeps waking. Finger nails until the end has increased. Your baby's immune system has developed a simple and lightweight that can fight infections has gained the ability.
* 35 weeks
Weakness and fatigue in this week, many pregnant women is one of the most important reason for complaint. Sleep difficulties, weight gain and the corresponding decrease in mobility as you will cause trouble. During this period you may experience sexual reluctance. Not been shown to be of any harm or if you do not want your spouse to be understanding about the need to persuade. Another problem that also existed during this week of birth and birth are concerned about the issue. Approach your partner and your doctor is extremely important. Thousands of women had given birth to the world every day and a little part of them had trouble only in mind, try not to. Even as you read this article first screams of the baby threw more than a thousand.
* 36 weeks
Do not STOP ME!
After that just started early this week, even if your labor, your doctor will not try to stop. Your baby after birth usually with little maintenance or trouble-free life and can easily continue in 2000 grams of weight is over. Your baby fat storage continues. Involvement in the arms and legs in oil this week begins. Has completed development and maturity of all organ systems. Last rütuşlar is done now. Swim in the water longer than the more space in the womb start to finish is very hereketleri will not be easy. In this week from your doctor examine you at each check the status of your cervix, may want to examine whether the opening. When you come to the show this week may increase your insomnia problems. One cause of insomnia baby slow down due to the compression bladder and frequently do go to the toilet due to the need to. To restrict your fluid intake before going to bed at night on this subject can help.
* 37 weeks
Happy finale was only 4 weeks (if you will cesarean section 2 weeks there is much more zamanınınz). Baby is almost created. At any time can enter the birth canal. This week in the knee and elbow grease accumulation is accelerated in. Should not forget the neck and wrists. Your baby's gums were completed at maturity and no longer hard. The fat accumulates in cheek and was now ready to get bored! .. What you are seeing the beginning of your pregnancy ultrasound is now fully live that tiny weighing approximately 2750 grams of a human baby. This week your baby was usually the last stop position is seen as very rare and no longer return. After this week every week to see you and your doctor and your baby may want to assess the situation. Your weight gain in this week (both baby and you) may be very fast. Your doctor taking cultures from group B Streptococcus infection of the vagina and move do not move may want to review. This week at the top in a space and your stomach may feel relief. This indicates that your baby in and commitment towards the birth canal is called. Your appetite will disappear for compressing your stomach may be re-opened. Similarly, the pressure in your lungs will not breathe and it's easy to give. Frequency of urination, just after your engagement early in your pregnancy will increase as well. Your baby's movements can be tracked easily from the outside. When a sudden increase in time you may notice a karnızının. Your baby's movement below your chest özellkle can hurt you, you can burn.
* 38 weeks
37. When you have finished your week, your baby and pregnancy is regarded as having completed the miat. However, growth has not stopped more. Continue to store body fat and 15-30 grams per day to receive. In general, more than male infants KZI baby oil storage, and therefore heavier than they are born. Your baby is no longer adequate capacity to provide coordination with the bodies and hands can easily grasp. If your stomach is a very strong light source if you put your face will turn that way. Breathing in the womb to make movements and their ultrasound monitoring is an indication that your baby is in good condition. According to the increased volume of amniotic fluid is much harder to move and the baby may notice a reduction in movement. Until this week, and her cervix into your uterus that connects the mouth channel sümüğümsü filled by a plug. The purpose of this mucus plug inside your uterus and your baby may come from the vagina to protect against germs and infection. This mucus plug coming from your vagina of birth is one of the symptoms of and engagement among the public is called to come. A few weeks before birth, such as engagement may come just a few hours before could. Usually in the form of bloody discharge sümüğümsü engagement feel.
* 39 weeks
MORE ANNE MI did not get bored?
If after this week you will be planned cesarean section to deliver your baby any day you can trust. In some cases, the planned normal birth in pregnant women giving birth pains your doctor can perform artificial. This week your baby's head circumference with approximately purify the environment by going to each other accumulation eşittir.Yağ also slows weight gain is slowing down. Less in the same way you'll start to gain weight. Cheek and sucking muscles and your baby is fully developed constantly swim in the amniotic fluid that is swallowed. My nervous system with this fluid, skin cells are shed from the intestinal content with that stool creates tyler. This stool is called meconium to. Dark green-black meconium is a substance for any reason and the baby into hot water makes the stool first. From time to time may be close to your legs like an electric shock. This is because your baby while you move around the uterus and pelvis when placed within the nerve is touched. Your wife does not want to go into birth to accompany him you should try to persuade. Most women during delivery when their wives beside them feel much more comfortable. Do not force your spouse too much, but maybe his blood and keep it hesitate to tell you. Some women themselves so that their partner would be uncomfortable with the idea of vision. If your spouse wants to attend the birth, but you clearly state that by telling your wife you are uncomfortable you may want to show understanding. In spite of everything his wife did not approve their own state to enter the birth to women who want a little trick proposal. About it and do not let your spouse secretly doktoruzla ask.
* 40 weeks
Last week immersion in oxygen and nutrients to your baby move, the length of the umbilical cord is about 50 thickness is approximately 1.3 centimeters. Your baby's weight is over 3000 grams, and fills a large part of the uterus. Give your baby's skin and creamy substance called verniks starts to disappear. Similarly hairs called lanugo also largely have been shed. After the birth of your baby antibodies from you last at least 6 months will help in the fight against infection. Amniotic membrane can be opened at any time in the last week and could have water. Sometimes rain and more rapid discharge and dogs, this event miktrada sometimes be very slow. You can feel yourself miserable and even incontinence. Regardless of what amount of water comes from time-düşünüyosanız call your doctor or hospital should have to go to. Balance your body's balance center that allows you to thoroughly change the difficulty you're expecting your first baby yaşayabilirsiniz.Özellikle your partner as you've had a couple of these last days Know securities. The next life as a family you'll continue.
* 41 weeks
If you still have not given birth to more thoroughly bored and impatient to start will have. Hormones secreted by your baby from you, including circulation because bags for men, girls will appear in labiumlar larger than usual. Even after birth from breast milk may be even. Both girls and boys this is a situation that can be found in infants and will disappear spontaneously within a few days. This week you can come too long. Açalışmalısınız to be patient. If you feel any pain even cervix not, you may have begun slowly to open. Onset of normal labor and the opening and thinning the cervix starts to increase. Span is 10 centimeters was completed first phase of birth. The second phase and then place your baby into the world and says hello to you. In the head immediately after vaginal birth, your doctor and your baby's first cry to have your mouth will begin to echo in the room. At this stage to cut the umbilical cord without giving your baby in your arms get first theme provides warmer place.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Week Week Pregnancy -2
* 18 weeks
So far everything is going. A large part of your baby's tiny bones in the hardness of rubber, but still more at birth and are becoming increasingly becomes hard. do not neglect to take adequate kalsyum bone maturation of the baby in the abdomen for önemli.Anne being awake and sleeping periods are. Appropriate and that he loved the baby sleep and sleep position you can choose the period of this position begins to emerge alabilir.Gözlerin eyebrows on. Baby girls in the developing ovaries in the pelvis appears primitive egg cells. They will have more throughout his life, and in each cycle until menopause will consume the egg cell will be converted to. Yet with all of baby girls in the uterus has been formed. The prostate gland development in male infants under the brown fat tissue tamamlar.Cilt occurs. Covering skin and cream-shaped substance called verniks caseosa traceable. Has completed development and after placental thickness does not increase this week, just as diameter grows. Looking from the outside is now very comfortable with the person's pregnancy is understandable. Baby movements felt by many mothers to be. Do not worry if you still have not felt, 1-2 weeks may be in front of you. Increased blood volume may be due to various complaints. However, depending to relax düzkas sudden drop in blood pressure can be seen. When you stand up from supine position to make sure the job slowly. Or above the age of 35 mothers in the triple test is done in suspicious cases detected this week amniocentesis.
* 19 weeks
Published CREAM TIME
If your pregnancy week rather than still months from this week are calculated as you enter your fifth month, almost none of your clothes söyleyebilirsiniz.Eski over you'll notice that the. Pregnant women clothing every note that very fit. The other will notice a change in your breast is brown field gidrek began to grow. Called this region of the breast areola may take half. This is normal and may continue after birth until the twelfth month. Many pregnant women are running in the half-hour lunch breaks are coming up very well to tell their yürmenin. You can try it. Walking and psychological status and is useful for your body. If we look at what happens inside you, your baby's body is surrounded by cream-like substance. His sensitive skin to protect from the effects of long-term stay in the water of this article with vernix caseosadır name. In the ultrasound can see your baby on the move constantly. These movements many women as if a butterfly's wings flapping in the previously are compared to. Unfortunately, your wife yet you can not have this excitement to your partner. Because the movement is not yet strong enough to be felt by hand from the outside.
* 20 weeks
Congratulations. Pregnancies are in the middle of your adventure. Baby in the womb, has completed half of his life. This week will continue until 5 years after birth the brain is maturing fast starts. Baby's smell, taste, hearing, sight and touch senses to be fully active and başlar.Kaşlar hair becomes thoroughly evident. Fetus is often a wink. Body feathers called Lanugo covers all but the peak is located around the face and neck. Heart rate will accelerate. Male infants in the testes towards the abdominal cavity starts from the bag. If your baby is a girl full of ovarian egg has 6 million. Then a new egg does not develop. Existing ones gradually decreases, and the number drops to about 1 million at birth. Baby's movements are also accelerated and strengthened. Baby's weight is between about 250-450 grams. After this week, not as low end of pregnancy is called premature birth. And all organs of the baby's heart was evaluated with a name or other malformation ultrasound ideal time for second-level ultrasound 20 weeks. This week at the top of the uterus has grown to the point umbilicus level. After this period, 38 weeks up to about 1 centimeter each week increases. 38. weeks after the birth of the baby in the correct channel due to the peak of the uterus begins to move down. Midline between the navel and the groin blackness begins to appear. This is called the linea nigra and disappears after birth. After this week to take precautions pregnancy cracks on movements easily be felt olacaktır.Bebeğin useful. Normally a baby at least 2 times per hour must move. However, much more than this number, although in reality only the movement strong enough to be felt by the mother island.
* 21 weeks
Reached twenty-first week of rapid growth in the baby a little slow. The most important event this week is to strengthen the heart muscle. Your baby's heart began to pump blood more efficiently. You because of the increase in the amount of blood circulation in your feet all day, especially the feet and ankles in the evenings in pregnant women may be swollen. This is completely normal. During the day to rest from time to time by raising feet slightly more than 2 hours and, if possible not to survive the situation can help. To drink plenty of water reduces this contrast does not increase complaints. Therefore, be sure to drink plenty of water during the day. Should not be neglected is another subject at least once a week now tansiyonuzu measure is useful to do. Within the abdominal cavity with the growing uterus and other organs in the diaphragm muscle compression as a result, many pregnant women in this period to shortness of breath or rapid breathing problems may remain. This result is one of the normal pregnancy. Pregnancy progresses, these problems may increase. Earlier this week did not start again from iron supplementation be beneficial to begin. Received diet with adequate iron during pregnancy you will not come. Therefore you should always receive support from outside.
* 22 weeks
DEDİNİZ something?
When you reach this week, your baby can speak, read or sing something to him. Because now you can hear it. Not only in response to sounds or even could be. Therefore made for the development of the baby can listen to music CDs. Listen to classical music in the womb, positive influence on spiritual development, the study claims to be available. Even if they are correct with your little baby to listen to some music, song or book to read to tell what damage can it be? Some studies even before your baby is born you are reading her books, was born after you re-read when you're breastfeeding your little baby will suck more powerful claim. Fantastic, right? Your baby while you no longer balance, these developments have difficulty from time to time you may notice your sağlamakda. Depending on your belly to grow waist is expanded inward curve of your body, you are shifting the balance center. At the same rate it can not fit within your balance may have difficulty providing. Therefore it is recommended not to bathe at home yanlızken. With the same reasons the balance between the need to provide sports based. Depending on the pregnancy hormones into your finger joints loosened up eklemlernizde of all will be. This may reflect the size of back pain. This week both balance problems because of low back pain and high-heeled shoes should be good-bye is the period. Rest of your pregnancy in the orthopedic shoes you wear will reduce your discomfort.
* 23 weeks
Do a somersault
Your baby is now fully a miniature human appearance. Tiny bones inside the ear flow becomes harder for the baby tamemen can hear very well. Lips becomes thoroughly evident, ultrasonography smile can be the difference. Size was up to 17-18 centimeters, the weight is around 600 grams. Although fully developed eyes, the iris-colored part is more pigmented, ie eye color is not clear. Even without the full meaning Pakreas started to secrete insulin. You increase the weight that is slowly but constantly. During this period, called the event aşer accelerates. How many more superlatives can be allowed without a wisp of a loophole. Leg cramps in pregnant women who live their twenties weeks events are not uncommon. Calcium and magnesium intake will reduce the frequency of complaints and cramps. By extending your legs straight when entering cramp your spouse may want to do massage. Is another beautiful event is no longer able to feel your baby's movements eşinizinde. Your partner put his hand on your stomach when your baby's movements may feel very comfortable, even these movements can be noticed even from the outside eye. This is because the baby is found in relatively more svısının amnion is. So the baby has to act on a wide area. If your baby moves freely inside taklalar atarmışcasına! .. Movements of the baby's motor development that is very important for muscle strengthening. This week the ultrasound examination in a very short time after the baby's rectum while developing development can return to the head. The baby does not matter too much the opposite stop.
* 24 weeks
Caution: Very well prepared in terms and conditions this week in intensive care can be having babies. 24. weeks gestation in the process is one of the major twists. Because this week is considered the viability limit. Viability depended from his mother, his mother's body, except in the sense of life continue are used. Not always true, but the fetus viabilitesi pratikde. To implement this, respiration, digestion, body temperature to maintain vital functions such as very good support and protection of infants from infection is required. 24 weeks a fetus has reached a weight of 650-700 grams. In certain centers in our country so small can be having babies. But is not that important, that the baby is experiencing. Visual, sensory activities, such as hearing aids, as well as mental development will be fully indicated by how this kind of babies who failed all along the life I believe should be under close monitoring. In the literature, the earliest being born and living in and out of baby Kenyada 19 weeks when the world is a baby called Kelly. This week the baby within the pulmonary vascular structures become mature. Almost all organs can no longer served as functional. You can see the gum bleeding. Effects of pregnancy hormones and gum disease called epulis gravidarum can be seen. While brushing your teeth and rinse your mouth, even when bleeding may be even. Gums may be attracted. Most advanced form of the disease have been reported in teeth shed. Therefore, if If you have similar symptoms should discuss this with your dentist from neglect. Yet 24 To investigate the presence of diabetes per week due gebeliğer your doctor will ask you 50 grams of glucose screening test. This test is 28 can be delayed until next week. Again in this week against the symptoms of premature birth should learn to be careful. To achieve this the need to have bigi about premature birth. Your doctor will help you with this.
* 25 weeks
This week's most important event of your baby's sense of taste is greatly enhanced. Believe it with a sense of taste do not want your baby's milk teeth are developed. Baby's skin is still thin and more fragile. But the body fills up in proportion, subcutaneous fat tissue becomes mature. Relatively low in the uterus now began to occupy the area. This movement of free space remaining for his means will decrease gradually. The result of a transaction will be harder to feel. This week you can feel the fatigue. This is me of close to normal pregnancy. At the same time very sensitive to light that your eyes might notice. Pregnancy-related eye dryness is close to many mothers of the partners. To overcome the problem you can use artificial tear preparations. And circulation to the uterus growing pressure because of corruption may be pain in the legs and towns. In some pregnant women may have pain even fingers. In such cases, cold applied very useful decided not to name your baby olmaktadır.Hala more in this week you can now start looking for names.
* 26 weeks
Your baby in the air sacs in the lungs began to occur. To provide on-air breathing lungs produce a substance called surfactant. This article, tiny air sacs from sticking together and prevents the wall. In this way, with every breath the air sacs alışda dollars. This week your baby's lungs began to produce surfactant, but not enough quantities of course. The threat of premature birth mothers living with some injection of this article is an effort to speed up construction. The baby's premature birth respiratory problems will aim to prevent çalışmakdır experience. 26-week studies examined the brain waves to touch the babies with brain waves were found to respond. In addition, an interesting finding that a strong light source in your stomach when you put the baby's head is to turn in that direction. In this week suddenly and without rhyme or reason karnızında may feel an erection. Do not worry. In this pregnant uterus, normally observed and called Braxton-Hicks contractions. The continuous contractions and premature birth tehtidinde income periodically. To determine regular contractions can seek help from your spouse. Your partner, hands full hills of the month, to the point of placing the uterusunuzun wait. This week the uterus peak about 5 centimeters above the navel is. 20 minutes waiting for your spouse in this way the presence and frequency of contractions may determine. This process can also do it yourself, but not be able to objectively evaluate a good idea to ask your partner to have. Contractions or you may not feel pain as very mild pain in the form of one may notice. If you have concerns about their frequency of contact with your doctor immediately.
27. weeks
If you or to place a camera directly into the uterus as possible could have to wait for your baby's eyes could see. Because it's eye color to stay sharp longer and certain: you can wink. This week your baby will come when the eye begins to open and close. Brain maturation continues rapidly and give voice to the responses carefully increased. Size was closer to 25 centimeters and weight about 1000 kilograms. The end of the second trimester 27 per week may experience respiratory and sleep problems. Shortness of breath, especially at times when you sleep can occur. This situation does not cause any harm to your baby, but you can feel more comfortable night's sleep when you need to increase the number of pillows. Most mothers in this period of sleep the rest say that creating more pain. Under the concerns of consciousness experienced during sleep may show itself as a nightmare. In fact, you may experience great difficulty in falling asleep. Experienced mothers before going to bed a half hour walk is a very useful claim. Another point that should be mentioned that your blood pressure. Although your doctor will measure your blood pressure in your control, but every 3-4 days you can be helpful if you repeat it. Because, also known as public intoxication in pregnancy-risk period for preeklempsi have entered. Made to control routine ultrasound examinations, as a whole can not now your baby should have noticed. As a whole, not part of the baby being examined now. Measurements close to the actual sizes and weight can be estimated. This week of your pregnancy with second trimester has ended. Most of the road section has been exceeded.
* 28 weeks
Third trimester
This week of pregnancy with one of the most difficult period in the last three months that have entered the third trimester would. This week your baby will continue to grow rapidly as possible to fill the uterus. Uterine size has reached almost kaburgalarınzın level. This week in your legs and swelling may notice an increase in succession. If you have problems that worsen hemorrhoids again, or you may experience cramps in your legs frequently. 28. glucose loading test per week, your doctor will want you. The purpose of this test in diabetes in pregnancy that is emerging is to investigate gestational diabetic. Again this week, remind your doctor if you have blood incompatibility. 28. per week to the world about the babies' lives are 90ı%. However, this support needs to respiratory conditions in infants Intensive Care. If your baby has suffered periods of continuous sleep and waking. You can open and close their eyes from time to time. Has completed development of eyebrows. Continues to store body fat. These oils after birth is very important in setting their own body heat. This week, your baby can talk freely, because now you know your voice!
* 29 weeks
Continues to prepare your baby's birthday. Now the ratio between head and body close to normal. Now you have the ability to adjust their body temperature. Red blood cells that is constantly iliğide bone produces red blood cells. Her eyes began to move even the. In the meantime, do not forget from time to time from among you If you feel a sudden movement and fear do not be surprised Do not be afraid because your baby has hiccups! 29. coming weeks when the pregnancy will notice you start to feel well now. This week is normal to feel the belly of your skin itch. Besides this, the intraabdominal pressure and as a result of changes in the circulatory system haemorrhoids (piles) problem can be seen. In addition, shortness of breath, burning in the stomach, symptoms such as cramps in the legs can occur. These complaints do not let you cooling your pregnancy. All of these can be overcome with treatment and complaint are temporary. To see positive aspects of your pregnancy rather than close and try to enjoy.
* 30 weeks
Give your baby's skin and fine hair called lanugo is now starting to trickle out of hand and foot nail is gradually extended. Bone marrow production of blood cells from the liver devaraldı completely. On the other hand begins to realize the baby no longer around. Generality of the inside of the uterus, such as in the pitch darkness of the mothers thought that although the environment may be dark or bright depending on the separation may make babies. Testes in male infants in a plastic bag to complete the landing process. The baby at birth will be pain two-thirds of the weight has reached. Candidate in this week mother now thoroughly bored of pregnancy begins. Frequent heartburn problems of sleep and are unable to. From time to time or contraction may feel a pain in your groin. These ensure that small and unimportant strain of uterine contractions and Braxton Hicks contractions are called.
So far everything is going. A large part of your baby's tiny bones in the hardness of rubber, but still more at birth and are becoming increasingly becomes hard. do not neglect to take adequate kalsyum bone maturation of the baby in the abdomen for önemli.Anne being awake and sleeping periods are. Appropriate and that he loved the baby sleep and sleep position you can choose the period of this position begins to emerge alabilir.Gözlerin eyebrows on. Baby girls in the developing ovaries in the pelvis appears primitive egg cells. They will have more throughout his life, and in each cycle until menopause will consume the egg cell will be converted to. Yet with all of baby girls in the uterus has been formed. The prostate gland development in male infants under the brown fat tissue tamamlar.Cilt occurs. Covering skin and cream-shaped substance called verniks caseosa traceable. Has completed development and after placental thickness does not increase this week, just as diameter grows. Looking from the outside is now very comfortable with the person's pregnancy is understandable. Baby movements felt by many mothers to be. Do not worry if you still have not felt, 1-2 weeks may be in front of you. Increased blood volume may be due to various complaints. However, depending to relax düzkas sudden drop in blood pressure can be seen. When you stand up from supine position to make sure the job slowly. Or above the age of 35 mothers in the triple test is done in suspicious cases detected this week amniocentesis.
* 19 weeks
Published CREAM TIME
If your pregnancy week rather than still months from this week are calculated as you enter your fifth month, almost none of your clothes söyleyebilirsiniz.Eski over you'll notice that the. Pregnant women clothing every note that very fit. The other will notice a change in your breast is brown field gidrek began to grow. Called this region of the breast areola may take half. This is normal and may continue after birth until the twelfth month. Many pregnant women are running in the half-hour lunch breaks are coming up very well to tell their yürmenin. You can try it. Walking and psychological status and is useful for your body. If we look at what happens inside you, your baby's body is surrounded by cream-like substance. His sensitive skin to protect from the effects of long-term stay in the water of this article with vernix caseosadır name. In the ultrasound can see your baby on the move constantly. These movements many women as if a butterfly's wings flapping in the previously are compared to. Unfortunately, your wife yet you can not have this excitement to your partner. Because the movement is not yet strong enough to be felt by hand from the outside.
* 20 weeks
Congratulations. Pregnancies are in the middle of your adventure. Baby in the womb, has completed half of his life. This week will continue until 5 years after birth the brain is maturing fast starts. Baby's smell, taste, hearing, sight and touch senses to be fully active and başlar.Kaşlar hair becomes thoroughly evident. Fetus is often a wink. Body feathers called Lanugo covers all but the peak is located around the face and neck. Heart rate will accelerate. Male infants in the testes towards the abdominal cavity starts from the bag. If your baby is a girl full of ovarian egg has 6 million. Then a new egg does not develop. Existing ones gradually decreases, and the number drops to about 1 million at birth. Baby's movements are also accelerated and strengthened. Baby's weight is between about 250-450 grams. After this week, not as low end of pregnancy is called premature birth. And all organs of the baby's heart was evaluated with a name or other malformation ultrasound ideal time for second-level ultrasound 20 weeks. This week at the top of the uterus has grown to the point umbilicus level. After this period, 38 weeks up to about 1 centimeter each week increases. 38. weeks after the birth of the baby in the correct channel due to the peak of the uterus begins to move down. Midline between the navel and the groin blackness begins to appear. This is called the linea nigra and disappears after birth. After this week to take precautions pregnancy cracks on movements easily be felt olacaktır.Bebeğin useful. Normally a baby at least 2 times per hour must move. However, much more than this number, although in reality only the movement strong enough to be felt by the mother island.
* 21 weeks
Reached twenty-first week of rapid growth in the baby a little slow. The most important event this week is to strengthen the heart muscle. Your baby's heart began to pump blood more efficiently. You because of the increase in the amount of blood circulation in your feet all day, especially the feet and ankles in the evenings in pregnant women may be swollen. This is completely normal. During the day to rest from time to time by raising feet slightly more than 2 hours and, if possible not to survive the situation can help. To drink plenty of water reduces this contrast does not increase complaints. Therefore, be sure to drink plenty of water during the day. Should not be neglected is another subject at least once a week now tansiyonuzu measure is useful to do. Within the abdominal cavity with the growing uterus and other organs in the diaphragm muscle compression as a result, many pregnant women in this period to shortness of breath or rapid breathing problems may remain. This result is one of the normal pregnancy. Pregnancy progresses, these problems may increase. Earlier this week did not start again from iron supplementation be beneficial to begin. Received diet with adequate iron during pregnancy you will not come. Therefore you should always receive support from outside.
* 22 weeks
DEDİNİZ something?
When you reach this week, your baby can speak, read or sing something to him. Because now you can hear it. Not only in response to sounds or even could be. Therefore made for the development of the baby can listen to music CDs. Listen to classical music in the womb, positive influence on spiritual development, the study claims to be available. Even if they are correct with your little baby to listen to some music, song or book to read to tell what damage can it be? Some studies even before your baby is born you are reading her books, was born after you re-read when you're breastfeeding your little baby will suck more powerful claim. Fantastic, right? Your baby while you no longer balance, these developments have difficulty from time to time you may notice your sağlamakda. Depending on your belly to grow waist is expanded inward curve of your body, you are shifting the balance center. At the same rate it can not fit within your balance may have difficulty providing. Therefore it is recommended not to bathe at home yanlızken. With the same reasons the balance between the need to provide sports based. Depending on the pregnancy hormones into your finger joints loosened up eklemlernizde of all will be. This may reflect the size of back pain. This week both balance problems because of low back pain and high-heeled shoes should be good-bye is the period. Rest of your pregnancy in the orthopedic shoes you wear will reduce your discomfort.
* 23 weeks
Do a somersault
Your baby is now fully a miniature human appearance. Tiny bones inside the ear flow becomes harder for the baby tamemen can hear very well. Lips becomes thoroughly evident, ultrasonography smile can be the difference. Size was up to 17-18 centimeters, the weight is around 600 grams. Although fully developed eyes, the iris-colored part is more pigmented, ie eye color is not clear. Even without the full meaning Pakreas started to secrete insulin. You increase the weight that is slowly but constantly. During this period, called the event aşer accelerates. How many more superlatives can be allowed without a wisp of a loophole. Leg cramps in pregnant women who live their twenties weeks events are not uncommon. Calcium and magnesium intake will reduce the frequency of complaints and cramps. By extending your legs straight when entering cramp your spouse may want to do massage. Is another beautiful event is no longer able to feel your baby's movements eşinizinde. Your partner put his hand on your stomach when your baby's movements may feel very comfortable, even these movements can be noticed even from the outside eye. This is because the baby is found in relatively more svısının amnion is. So the baby has to act on a wide area. If your baby moves freely inside taklalar atarmışcasına! .. Movements of the baby's motor development that is very important for muscle strengthening. This week the ultrasound examination in a very short time after the baby's rectum while developing development can return to the head. The baby does not matter too much the opposite stop.
* 24 weeks
Caution: Very well prepared in terms and conditions this week in intensive care can be having babies. 24. weeks gestation in the process is one of the major twists. Because this week is considered the viability limit. Viability depended from his mother, his mother's body, except in the sense of life continue are used. Not always true, but the fetus viabilitesi pratikde. To implement this, respiration, digestion, body temperature to maintain vital functions such as very good support and protection of infants from infection is required. 24 weeks a fetus has reached a weight of 650-700 grams. In certain centers in our country so small can be having babies. But is not that important, that the baby is experiencing. Visual, sensory activities, such as hearing aids, as well as mental development will be fully indicated by how this kind of babies who failed all along the life I believe should be under close monitoring. In the literature, the earliest being born and living in and out of baby Kenyada 19 weeks when the world is a baby called Kelly. This week the baby within the pulmonary vascular structures become mature. Almost all organs can no longer served as functional. You can see the gum bleeding. Effects of pregnancy hormones and gum disease called epulis gravidarum can be seen. While brushing your teeth and rinse your mouth, even when bleeding may be even. Gums may be attracted. Most advanced form of the disease have been reported in teeth shed. Therefore, if If you have similar symptoms should discuss this with your dentist from neglect. Yet 24 To investigate the presence of diabetes per week due gebeliğer your doctor will ask you 50 grams of glucose screening test. This test is 28 can be delayed until next week. Again in this week against the symptoms of premature birth should learn to be careful. To achieve this the need to have bigi about premature birth. Your doctor will help you with this.
* 25 weeks
This week's most important event of your baby's sense of taste is greatly enhanced. Believe it with a sense of taste do not want your baby's milk teeth are developed. Baby's skin is still thin and more fragile. But the body fills up in proportion, subcutaneous fat tissue becomes mature. Relatively low in the uterus now began to occupy the area. This movement of free space remaining for his means will decrease gradually. The result of a transaction will be harder to feel. This week you can feel the fatigue. This is me of close to normal pregnancy. At the same time very sensitive to light that your eyes might notice. Pregnancy-related eye dryness is close to many mothers of the partners. To overcome the problem you can use artificial tear preparations. And circulation to the uterus growing pressure because of corruption may be pain in the legs and towns. In some pregnant women may have pain even fingers. In such cases, cold applied very useful decided not to name your baby olmaktadır.Hala more in this week you can now start looking for names.
* 26 weeks
Your baby in the air sacs in the lungs began to occur. To provide on-air breathing lungs produce a substance called surfactant. This article, tiny air sacs from sticking together and prevents the wall. In this way, with every breath the air sacs alışda dollars. This week your baby's lungs began to produce surfactant, but not enough quantities of course. The threat of premature birth mothers living with some injection of this article is an effort to speed up construction. The baby's premature birth respiratory problems will aim to prevent çalışmakdır experience. 26-week studies examined the brain waves to touch the babies with brain waves were found to respond. In addition, an interesting finding that a strong light source in your stomach when you put the baby's head is to turn in that direction. In this week suddenly and without rhyme or reason karnızında may feel an erection. Do not worry. In this pregnant uterus, normally observed and called Braxton-Hicks contractions. The continuous contractions and premature birth tehtidinde income periodically. To determine regular contractions can seek help from your spouse. Your partner, hands full hills of the month, to the point of placing the uterusunuzun wait. This week the uterus peak about 5 centimeters above the navel is. 20 minutes waiting for your spouse in this way the presence and frequency of contractions may determine. This process can also do it yourself, but not be able to objectively evaluate a good idea to ask your partner to have. Contractions or you may not feel pain as very mild pain in the form of one may notice. If you have concerns about their frequency of contact with your doctor immediately.
27. weeks
If you or to place a camera directly into the uterus as possible could have to wait for your baby's eyes could see. Because it's eye color to stay sharp longer and certain: you can wink. This week your baby will come when the eye begins to open and close. Brain maturation continues rapidly and give voice to the responses carefully increased. Size was closer to 25 centimeters and weight about 1000 kilograms. The end of the second trimester 27 per week may experience respiratory and sleep problems. Shortness of breath, especially at times when you sleep can occur. This situation does not cause any harm to your baby, but you can feel more comfortable night's sleep when you need to increase the number of pillows. Most mothers in this period of sleep the rest say that creating more pain. Under the concerns of consciousness experienced during sleep may show itself as a nightmare. In fact, you may experience great difficulty in falling asleep. Experienced mothers before going to bed a half hour walk is a very useful claim. Another point that should be mentioned that your blood pressure. Although your doctor will measure your blood pressure in your control, but every 3-4 days you can be helpful if you repeat it. Because, also known as public intoxication in pregnancy-risk period for preeklempsi have entered. Made to control routine ultrasound examinations, as a whole can not now your baby should have noticed. As a whole, not part of the baby being examined now. Measurements close to the actual sizes and weight can be estimated. This week of your pregnancy with second trimester has ended. Most of the road section has been exceeded.
* 28 weeks
Third trimester
This week of pregnancy with one of the most difficult period in the last three months that have entered the third trimester would. This week your baby will continue to grow rapidly as possible to fill the uterus. Uterine size has reached almost kaburgalarınzın level. This week in your legs and swelling may notice an increase in succession. If you have problems that worsen hemorrhoids again, or you may experience cramps in your legs frequently. 28. glucose loading test per week, your doctor will want you. The purpose of this test in diabetes in pregnancy that is emerging is to investigate gestational diabetic. Again this week, remind your doctor if you have blood incompatibility. 28. per week to the world about the babies' lives are 90ı%. However, this support needs to respiratory conditions in infants Intensive Care. If your baby has suffered periods of continuous sleep and waking. You can open and close their eyes from time to time. Has completed development of eyebrows. Continues to store body fat. These oils after birth is very important in setting their own body heat. This week, your baby can talk freely, because now you know your voice!
* 29 weeks
Continues to prepare your baby's birthday. Now the ratio between head and body close to normal. Now you have the ability to adjust their body temperature. Red blood cells that is constantly iliğide bone produces red blood cells. Her eyes began to move even the. In the meantime, do not forget from time to time from among you If you feel a sudden movement and fear do not be surprised Do not be afraid because your baby has hiccups! 29. coming weeks when the pregnancy will notice you start to feel well now. This week is normal to feel the belly of your skin itch. Besides this, the intraabdominal pressure and as a result of changes in the circulatory system haemorrhoids (piles) problem can be seen. In addition, shortness of breath, burning in the stomach, symptoms such as cramps in the legs can occur. These complaints do not let you cooling your pregnancy. All of these can be overcome with treatment and complaint are temporary. To see positive aspects of your pregnancy rather than close and try to enjoy.
* 30 weeks
Give your baby's skin and fine hair called lanugo is now starting to trickle out of hand and foot nail is gradually extended. Bone marrow production of blood cells from the liver devaraldı completely. On the other hand begins to realize the baby no longer around. Generality of the inside of the uterus, such as in the pitch darkness of the mothers thought that although the environment may be dark or bright depending on the separation may make babies. Testes in male infants in a plastic bag to complete the landing process. The baby at birth will be pain two-thirds of the weight has reached. Candidate in this week mother now thoroughly bored of pregnancy begins. Frequent heartburn problems of sleep and are unable to. From time to time or contraction may feel a pain in your groin. These ensure that small and unimportant strain of uterine contractions and Braxton Hicks contractions are called.
Week Week Pregnancy -1
What your baby grows up weeks ago Do you wonder? Here with all stages of pregnancy ...
* 1 Week
For most people, but surprisingly, as the beginning of pregnancy, pregnant on the day of the relationship, not that that is about 14 days before the first day of last menstrual period (SAT) are accepted. In this case started bleeding the day your start your pregnancy in the statistical sense. This is calculated as 40 weeks in human pregnancy that lasts 280 days. Months to account as it may cause confusion when you follow your pregnancy week to express the need to learn.
One day on 28 for women ovulation time bleeding from the beginning 14 day is around. These days of bad habits is most appropriate time to throw. For example, whether to end smoking, alcohol and drugs to limit the intake. Appropriate and try to get healthy eating habits. Ways important to this process a comfortable pregnancy. Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to eat, avoid foods that contain artificial ingredients as possible and you need to drink more water. This time is not already started in the folic acid intake can be started. With folic acid neural tube approximately defekterinin part 50lik% preventable. If possible, exercise still quite useful. Positive thinking in the period before this pregnancy and the rest as possible to avoid stress for your baby to the world that you trying to be quite a good start.
* 2 Week
Mothers continue development of the egg cell in the ovary. In the meantime, called endometrial or uterine membrane thickening starts. The aim of this bold fertilization occurred convergence will occur after the embryo in the womb is to hold comfortably. New developments which will meet the needs of living in this part of the body increases blood added. At the end of this week will be dropped from the developing ovarian eggs to crack. So ovulation occurs. One woman in the period produced only 1 egg and crack.
Unlike fraternal twins and triplets in more than one egg is not a single egg is laid. These eggs are fertilized the multiple pregnancy is all.
* 3 Week
The egg cell taken from the ovaries with fallopian tube sperm in the erkekden encounters. Many sperm, eggs, although all but 1 of them clustered around the egg through the membrane and enters into its own genetic material combined with the genetic material of the egg. That is fertilized. Fertilization on behalf of the so-called miracle of life begins. That a single sperm fertilization fertilization of egg cells and zygotes into the begins with a given name ends with the emergence of formation. Fertilization process is approximately 24 hours. About 48 hours a sperm can stay alive. Relations during the approximately 300 million sperm into the vagina is left. That only 3 million 1i% of sperm into the uterus are allowed. Sperm into the uterus of women entering the reproductive organs will reach up to scroll through the tube. 10-hour trip at the end of the egg cell to another, the task waits until the sperm from egg to go into the cell by breaking the shell. Egg cell with a membrane called the zona pellucida is surrounded. Only 1 of them sperm into the egg membrane by del are allowed. Penetration called this process takes about 20 minutes and after a sperm penetrates completely closed down, another sperm zona pellucida does not allow entry. Sperm and egg cells and zygotes revealed the core of the merger and fertilization takes place.
In the single-cell zygote zona pellucidanın without 1.5-3 days after fertilization division begins. This first division is called klivaj. The resulting cells are Blastomere. Following a quick process begins Klivajı division. Approximately every 20 hours will double the number of cells and within each division with the zona pellucida diameter smaller Blastomere. Cell count reaches 16ya name now Morula zygotes zygotes when events occur that alır.Tüm toward the uterine cavity in the tube journey continues. 4. By Day into the uterus has reached Morula. At this stage, rapid cell division continues and begins to create a space in the center of Morula. This phase is called the formation to the Blastocyst. Although still in the zona pellucida size cells become flat and focuses. Blastocyst stage cells faklılaşmasıda balşamaktadır now. Cells that will form part embryoyu while the rest embryobalastlar placenta cells differ as to make trofoblast.
5-6 days after fertilization without implantation into the uterus that begins settlement. Blastocyst pellucidayı rip out shingles. This is called hatching. In the meantime, the uterus secretes an enzyme trafoblastlar changes in cell structure and a Blastocyst implantation area provides. At the same time starts to secrete the hormone hCG trofoblastlardan. These hormones are hormones that make pregnancy tests positive. Following implantation endometrium (inner uterine membrane) increases, and added that part of pregnancy in the blood is necessary for more blood circulation begins.
Fertilization, the baby's gender is evident immediately. If the sperm fertilize the X chromosome carries the baby girl, the male will carry the Y chromosome. Therefore, in determining the sex of the baby boys, that is the father. Woman's baby is no gender roles in the slightest. In this circuit to determine sex, but with genetic analysis is possible. Which is not certain at this stage, only sex. 38 weeks later to say hello to the world of the individual's eye color to blood type is straight forward and all the genetic structure be changed.
Changes in the mother
Mothers at this stage there is no change in any physical or mental. In the form of a slight staining alone during implantation bleeding may occur.
4. Week
At the end of this week you will be mother to the whole world can be announced. Normally, one should see when your piece was delayed. Such delays may be from time to time, but if you are still excited. So why will remain in the more curious. To take a pregnancy test from the pharmacy immediately at home, do. If you remove the negative buoyant results immediately because from time to time Do not be negative pregnancy tests. In this situation needs to be done immediately, the most intelligent business almakdır your doctor appointments. Yet you do not have a doctor immediately start asking your friends. Today, a woman's conscious mind and inserted it into the regular ones vision can ask a gynecologist to the lack of a shame. Your doctor will examine you. During this period, gestational sac on the ultrasound is generally not possible. However, the pregnancy test in the blood 100e% whether the best accuracy can detect pregnancy. If the pregnancy if your doctor will advise you.
If you see one or more pregnancies or try to avoid being upset. Pregnancy rate of 25% on the first try is only mind. Continue to experiment. If you are not pregnant even though one delay treatment, your doctor will make you see units.
Some physiological and psychological changes in a pregnant woman is. Premenstrual symptoms at this stage is almost the same symptoms. Weakness, fatigue and breast tenderness is located.
In the meantime, let's take a look at what happens in the inside. Approximately 1 week later, took place without fertilization impalantasyon called trofoblast cells and endometrial cells cause an hasarlayarak are tiny pool of blood. This triggers the lake and would occur if no new vessel formation of the placental circulation begins. Group of cells is called Embryoblast multiply rapidly creates a 2-layer disc. Layers above this one as amniotic membrane and embryo development while the lower layer, called the yolk sac formation will bring.
4. At the end of the week, called chorionic villus tissue of the uterus into the blood vessel formation proceeds and the embryo starts. The yolk sac blood system are composed of the cells started to produce. At the end of this week between embryo and placenta, a process called connecting stalk and this will then constitute the umbilical cord.
A thin layer of cells on the disc still embryonic emergence called gastrulation was coming to determine the circuit. At the end of this process of embryo 3 layers, ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm is formed.
* 5 Week
The effect of hormone secretion and early pregnancy symptoms you will feel. Fullness and tenderness in the breast this week, the most common symptoms seen in general yakınmadır.Sürekli sleepiness and fatigue. The growth capacity of your bladder Uterusunuzdaki for azalltığı may need to go to the bathroom frequently. If you still go to your doctor before you did not go because biran time to meet live on your inner vaginal ultrasonography geldi.Doktorunuz pregnancy sac in the uterus will show you. If you can not be seen if this is a cut in the ultrasound could be an ectopic pregnancy. Life-threatening ectopic pregnancy is a serious condition that can, so not to delay your first check your own interests is the ex.
Without fertilization after 16 will accelerate the development of a day well. Endoderm layer surrounding the lungs of the membranes, tongue, tonsils, urethra, bladder and digestive system was developed and mesodermden muscles, bones, lymph system, spleen, blood cells, heart, lungs and reproductive and excretory systems farklılaşır.Cilt, nails, hair, eye lens layer , hearing system, nose, sinuses, mouth, anus, tooth enamel, pituitary gland, breast tissue and the nervous system differ from the ectoderm layer. 17-19 days after fertilization without a armuta similar embryonic field. Head portion is wider than the tail. Ectoderm layer thickens to form the neural plate. This plate edges curl, and is called the neural groove. This is the draft of the nervous system and early embryo development is one of the organ systems.
At the end of this week the baby's blood cells and epithelial cells were formed started to create channels between. 21. days is reached on both sides mesodermden originating somit neural groove and begin to appear starting from the tail section. The early primitive heart tube of cells Endokardial caused embryodaki.
* 6 Week
Maybe it's more that you are pregnant you will notice that no complaints. You can not see any difference with your life before pregnancy. You should know that inside you have a factory and can not imagine how fast it works. Activities in each individual embryo cells continuously. As a result, some complaints this faliyet slowly begins to emerge. Like many women you wake up the morning especially when you notice that your stomach may find you can even vomit. In the past you no longer smell of food from landmarks that have attracted gives you or your partner's disgust that many of your favorite perfume suddenly find that in fact did no good. No smoking so your colleagues has disturbed you. In fact, all these smells again as before. Changing you. Of pregnancy hormones in your brain to stimulate the nausea center as a result of this situation are referred to as emesis gravidarum. If nausea and vomiting severe enough to affect your life and your Diet is a table of the developed demektir.Bu case hiperemesis gravidarum may have to use drugs.
This period is critical for the development of the baby's organs alcohol, such as smoking may be harmful to the baby matters and should be avoided. Many mothers were pregnant during this period that their favorite candidate and would like to share with friends and family to a new individual will participate in this week is good news. Some mothers to share the happy news of the passing of the period of low risk and normal pregnancies are waiting to watch to make sure. Both the behavior is normal.
21-23 days after fertilization without embryo size was up to 1.5-3 mm. In this period of change in question is very fast and birbüyüme. The number is up to 4-12 somit couples. Eye and ear stubs has occurred. Neural tube begins to close slowly. Is called the crown part of the neural skull and the head tube to create a united and S başlar.Oluşan 2 endokardial result returns in the form of a single tube. This asymmetric formation, and during this period primitive heart begins to contract. That embryo has begun to take heart. However, vessels with fully developed flow does not complete.
Developing embryo and placenta depends on the connecting stalk. The most advanced system is a central nervous system and completely kapanmıştır.27 forebrain. C has taken shape at the end of the day embryo. Face and size to create the curves is evident. And which will take kulakcıkları heart ventricle septalar belirir.Kapakçıklar begin to develop. The cells will form the digestive system liver, stomach and pancreas to produce starts to become different. Becoming the first group of cells of different digestive system which will make the liver cells. Embryo size was 5 mm up.
* 7 Week
Still nothing from the outside you notice frenetic faliyet continues etmesenizde embryonuzda. At the end of this week until your baby boy will be a bean of them. If you look directly into the uterus or if a camera placement was a chance you'll see just an object such as a bean of them pay attention to the top parts of beans olacaktı.Bu you noticed two small black dots textbox. Here are two small points that will have your baby's eyes, even the network layer of the eye as retinal başlar.Biraz to occur more in the pin at the edge of the small depressions also gelişecektir.Bu ear organs as well as the balance is involved in hearing. A primitive mouth and language differences in this week edilebilir.Yine begin to arm and leg buds. In case of a thin layer of skin appears. Is divided into 3 main parts ulaşılır.Beyin somit 30-40. Thyroid gland development continues, to occur the first time in the lymphatic system and blood cells and plasma başlar.Kalp parts dolar.Kan circulation consists of two parts başlamıştır.Şimdilik heart at times is 150 minutes. Doppler ultrasound with your doctor about your baby's heartbeat continues .. you dinletebilir.Akciğer development of gallbladder, stomach, intestine and pancreas development continues. Blood from the placenta reaches the liver. Environment and takes into amniotic stalkı connecting. Later in adult umbilical connecting stalk, called a vesicle formation as is evident now quite kalır.Kol buds begin to contrast the new leg buds. Amniotic sac is now completely in embryo muscles and bones to create yerleşmiştir.Somitler starts to become different.
From the outside will notice that you are pregnant is not any difference. In this period can be 1-2 or may be given weight. In both cases is normal. Early symptoms of pregnancy slowly begins to decrease, whereas nausea and vomiting may increase. This will be more complaints, especially in early morning.
8. weeks
EL Fali is BAK!
Terminological called respect your baby are still embryo. This is because of a ledge at the bottom is caudal. The only part of your baby developing this projection is minimized. While other parts continue to grow rapidly growing etmektedir.Özellikle brain and head covers continue to eder.Göz interpret available in the form of curves. Lower jaw to become apparent differ başlar.Omurilik development sürdürür.Üst palate. Tip of the nose occurs. Development of the teeth under the gums differ başlatır.Yemek pipes and valves in the windpipe ayrılır.Kalp difference from chamber to be indistinguishable başlar.Kalbin 4. The lungs are located on both sides of the esophagus. To grow in the kidneys begin to occur başlar.Kollar cylindrical shape at the ends of hands per month, to appear. In the nerve conduction is Handle folds başlar.Yine arms. This gelecekdeki dirsekdir folds.
Do not feel like you still pregnant? It does not matter. More time in front of you and things will be experienced. For example, a closed fist before pregnancy up to your uterus until artkı orange was almost even. From time to time in the womb you will feel these growths can cause abdominal cramps. In the meantime, you can feel yourself during adolescence. Because hormonal changes depending on the skin starts to show the changes will begin. An oily skin and acne the most typical indicator are added. Gradually begin to improve your psychological state and pregnancy Kabul. Now begin to adjust to pregnancy.
* 9 weeks
I have to pee!
Embryonic tail has disappeared thoroughly. Cartilage and bone tissue has started to build. Intestine within the umbilical cord to migrate towards the abdominal cavity organs başlarlar.Beyin is still the largest. To be a certain gap formation başlar.Ağız esophagus can be seen. Pinna differ. Retinal can be thoroughly clear. Edilebilir.Burun difference eyelids belirir.Koku holes to take the injured nerve oluşur.Yemek pipe is extended and the heart pumps blood running in two different directions başlar.Meme tips belirgindir.İnce intestine is extended, kidney formation is completed and the first time to produce urine başlar.İlkel sex cells to create starts. Differentiation of external genital organs are still more girls or boys that başlamıştır.Ancak bell, however. Hand and elbow becomes apparent. Nerve conduction in the legs in water başlar.Bebek swim in the gently begins to move.
You also for the second menstrual period is delayed. Although a significant weight gain and breast fullness and tenderness they will grow. During this period, you may need to start wearing supportive bra. Stomach contents into the esophagus as a result of how many may have a burning sensation. During this period, approximately 300 calories daily calorie need has increased. Should you drink plenty of milk to get enough calcium. If you do not like to drink milk if you are better special drugs or consume dairy products like fat-free cheese can.
* 10 weeks
47-48 days after the first time, brain waves Fertilizasyondan to be produced and başlar.Kafa is perpendicular situation will develop in the part kulakda balance. Development of the lips is complete. Eyes and testicular or ovarian development as kapalıdır.Gonadlar differ. Completes the development of heart greatly. Developed outside of the body of the intestine into the abdominal cavity and feet thoroughly ederler.Diz movement becomes apparent. Toes and nails is decided. Muscles to gain strength başlar.Kız clitoris male infants is infants penis gelişir.Hemen almost all joints and muscles of the formation is completed for the baby no longer in the water bladder starts to move, but these movements you feel it is not sufficient for the end of the week your baby called organogenesis organ development period was completed. Of these organs in the rest of the pregnancy will be maturing.
In this period, mothers of the fluctuations in mood is very common. From time to time you may feel very happy melancholic from time to time. This too is normal. and your developing baby's teeth and gums of your own health should be sure you are getting enough fluoride. Your blood volume increases in the vein near your skin may notice a dark Encounters. This is evident especially in the legs and breast. Weight reduction is now also begin to increase during this period of your başladı.Bulantı and vomiting in can be expected.
* 11 weeks
Starting this week, your baby no longer inside you will not be called embryo. He is now a huge and long FETUS most critical period of about 3 santimetre.Gebeliğin now ended. This week has been growing rapidly in the brain and fetus size constitutes only half of the head. Eyes are closed eyelids of the fetus and mature under the iris is resume. Kidneys in urine production begins on the face amount of the amniotic fluid begins to rise, and this week is about 50 ml.
On the size of a grapefruit you have reached the uterus, but still takes place within the pelvis. Will see an increase of nausea is reduced iştahda. During this period some of the prenatal tests can be done. Your doctor will guide you on this issue. In recent days, winning the first trimester screening tests increasingly popularity realistic triple test results are up.
* 12 weeks
20 teeth in the gums in particular has become. Has the appearance of human face, the upper palate in the mouth began to merge. Facial skin begins to appear within the hair follicle. Fetus and completes the formation of vocal cords in the larynx in theory may sound fetus. In the abdominal cavity was entered into the intestine and abdominal movements began. The liver begins to secrete bile and the secretion is stored in the gallbladder bile. Thyroid, and pancreas development completes. Pankreasdan insulin is secreted. External genital organs in both sexes but did not complete development in girls big and small lips, penis and bags for men distinguished by careful observation and feet nails edilebilir.Ellerde starts to grow. Nervous system becomes a little more mature fetusda develop reflexes. During this period, very sensitive skin. Some of the bones harden started. 12. coming weeks will continue to grow upwards when the uterus outside the abdominal cavity and enters the pelvis. Now you do not do too much pressure on the bladder, frequent urination request amount is reduced. This situation continues in this manner until the last 3 months. In this week of headache and dizziness complaints are frequently encountered. Low risk decreased to a great extent. Your doctor to specify it with each maternal psychologically as you relax you'll notice. Gums pregnancy adversely affected and you make an appointment for your dentist to undergo examination is beneficial for your note. This week for the control teeth is very appropriate term.
* 13 weeks
Now more and more people are similar to the fetus. Eyes from the side of the head begins to shift towards the middle. Ear to their normal position towards the movement. Viewed from outside the baby's sex can be determined easily. Ultrasound for sex determination, but still rare and high quality devices erkendir.Çok in this week to determine possible gender-long olmaktadır.Bebeğin is a bit more space. This week is the last week of the first trimester. Early signs of pregnancy and its complaints almost never too kalmamıştır.Bu period as possible and not get tired to rest and surrounding gerekir.Rahim grow is stretched and the stretching itself is held in place by the membrane. This can be detected in the form of a slight groin pain. Called round ligament pain to come this is temporary and is not important. The hormone affects everything cause changes in skin downloads. Especially in the face and neck may be if no stains. This is known as pregnancy mask or Chloasma. Is a temporary situation and after birth are correct. Your wife has now begun to grow. In the past the clothes started coming to narrow. The time has come to buy clothing for pregnant women.
* 14 weeks
The second most comfortable period of pregnancy terimestara welcome. Your baby is no longer completely human in appearance. Depending on power development in the muscles of the head is not leaning forward. From time to time can keep his head upright. With ultrasound, your doctor will examine your baby is waving. Yes, your baby can no longer use his hands. A reflex action, but get this completely though. Say hello to you a nice feeling for the first time, right? In the meantime, your baby is now completely different from the others. Because now it unchanged until the end of life will be accompanied by the fingerprints have! ... Now own approximately 25 grams in weight and 10 centimeters high. Now with the help of all the nutrients and oxygen to the placenta takes you. Be completed with sleep and fatigue halide Plasentasyonun you will be eliminated. Ministers from the outside if I pay attention enough that you are pregnant they can understand. With the effects of progesterone hormone in all smooth muscle relaxation has occurred. This back pain, constipation and mild decrease in blood pressure as you will be reflected. Nausea is the past but with the stomach contents progesteronun relaxant effect on your esophagus can flee and burning. The correct diet for nausea passed, energy goes up. At this stage of pregnancy, many women had lost their sex drive is re-gained. This is a nice situation. Note that there is not any complications during pregnancy sexual intercourse is not prohibited.
* 15 weeks
This week's surprising news: Baby is out of your hair. Developing the baby's head on a thin and silky hair called lanugo begins to appear. This primitive hair are lost at birth. The second important news is the baby's thumb sucking begin. Under ultrasound the baby's finger in your mouth that your doctor will tell you görütüp em. Do not be afraid this will be after the birth of the baby does not show finger sucking habit. Mother's womb is only a reflex. Every baby in ane abdominal finger absorbs a rule is that he does not, but during the ultrasound examination is a state frequently encountered. During this period, the baby's skin is very thin and can be seen under the skin vessels. Your belly has grown quite reached this period. When you take your hand on your abdomen may feel like a ball uterusunuzu. Among the public also called the mouth of the breast and may klostrum called liquid. This is normal.
* 16 weeks
In the eyes and ears this week when the baby is born will have come to the last location. To develop simple reflexes such as eye blinking and the ears başlar.Benzer have taken the last position. Fetal feces, called meconium intestines began to accumulate. This stool-like structures of the fetus swallows the amniotic fluid, secretion of digestive system cells and spills occur. Is a structure in the dark-colored paste consistency. Nerve fibers and their properties coated with substances which will begin in myelin name. Myelin for nerve conduction is an extremely important matter. Circulatory system has been fully and fonkisyonel. Baby's placenta to fetus is about. Umbilical cord system begins to mature. 120 grams baby has grown enough to fit in your palm. Under ultrasound the baby's hiccups can be determined. This is one of the cue breathing. Another first this week the baby is the emergence of the light reflex. No longer react to light may theoretically have expected. This week is very important in every respect. Once the mother and the father of the candidate they most worry about in the first place, perhaps at the beginning of this week the baby's gender is clarified. Ultrasound equipment and an experienced eye a good 16 per week on a very large baby's sex is determined by a probability. In some cases 12-14. gender can be seen in weeks, or until the last period of pregnancy is a rare condition but that may not be ever seen. In this week of the baby's gender as a reviewer to determine the actual experience of the physicians in this week bağlıdır.Yine extremely important in terms of down syndrome screening test can be done with a triple. This test is ideal for interval 16-20. For weeks. Experienced mothers may feel the baby's first movements this week. However, an abnormal situation of no movement is felt does not mean. The first pregnancy occurs at around 20 weeks of this living.
* 17 weeks
Reached the baby's skin under the seventeenth week oil repositories slowly begins to fill. Enter your baby's rapid growth phase, this is an indication. To grow, depending on your weight gain in an amount you will accelerate. Until this week have received between 2-4 pounds is normal. Baby's all organ systems are functional. In addition, the amniotic fluid in the face and back are attracted to the lung. This primitive is breathing. After the baby's birth will ensure normal breathing is required for maturation of the systems. With an incredible effort the heart has to pump blood continuously. Can be difficult to believe but it's your baby's heart approximately 25-30 liters per day pumping blood to the body. You hand your wife reaches the size of your uterus may feel. This week's top points of the uterine fundus that is under the belly değiliğin 3-4 fingers. Many mothers in this week to hear concerns for the baby. Will be on how the baby is healthy and not be worried this week will win in the density. The triple test will be slightly may resolve these concerns. Where do still birth and birth will you make a decision about doctors this week that have not is a good time.
* 1 Week
For most people, but surprisingly, as the beginning of pregnancy, pregnant on the day of the relationship, not that that is about 14 days before the first day of last menstrual period (SAT) are accepted. In this case started bleeding the day your start your pregnancy in the statistical sense. This is calculated as 40 weeks in human pregnancy that lasts 280 days. Months to account as it may cause confusion when you follow your pregnancy week to express the need to learn.
One day on 28 for women ovulation time bleeding from the beginning 14 day is around. These days of bad habits is most appropriate time to throw. For example, whether to end smoking, alcohol and drugs to limit the intake. Appropriate and try to get healthy eating habits. Ways important to this process a comfortable pregnancy. Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to eat, avoid foods that contain artificial ingredients as possible and you need to drink more water. This time is not already started in the folic acid intake can be started. With folic acid neural tube approximately defekterinin part 50lik% preventable. If possible, exercise still quite useful. Positive thinking in the period before this pregnancy and the rest as possible to avoid stress for your baby to the world that you trying to be quite a good start.
* 2 Week
Mothers continue development of the egg cell in the ovary. In the meantime, called endometrial or uterine membrane thickening starts. The aim of this bold fertilization occurred convergence will occur after the embryo in the womb is to hold comfortably. New developments which will meet the needs of living in this part of the body increases blood added. At the end of this week will be dropped from the developing ovarian eggs to crack. So ovulation occurs. One woman in the period produced only 1 egg and crack.
Unlike fraternal twins and triplets in more than one egg is not a single egg is laid. These eggs are fertilized the multiple pregnancy is all.
* 3 Week
The egg cell taken from the ovaries with fallopian tube sperm in the erkekden encounters. Many sperm, eggs, although all but 1 of them clustered around the egg through the membrane and enters into its own genetic material combined with the genetic material of the egg. That is fertilized. Fertilization on behalf of the so-called miracle of life begins. That a single sperm fertilization fertilization of egg cells and zygotes into the begins with a given name ends with the emergence of formation. Fertilization process is approximately 24 hours. About 48 hours a sperm can stay alive. Relations during the approximately 300 million sperm into the vagina is left. That only 3 million 1i% of sperm into the uterus are allowed. Sperm into the uterus of women entering the reproductive organs will reach up to scroll through the tube. 10-hour trip at the end of the egg cell to another, the task waits until the sperm from egg to go into the cell by breaking the shell. Egg cell with a membrane called the zona pellucida is surrounded. Only 1 of them sperm into the egg membrane by del are allowed. Penetration called this process takes about 20 minutes and after a sperm penetrates completely closed down, another sperm zona pellucida does not allow entry. Sperm and egg cells and zygotes revealed the core of the merger and fertilization takes place.
In the single-cell zygote zona pellucidanın without 1.5-3 days after fertilization division begins. This first division is called klivaj. The resulting cells are Blastomere. Following a quick process begins Klivajı division. Approximately every 20 hours will double the number of cells and within each division with the zona pellucida diameter smaller Blastomere. Cell count reaches 16ya name now Morula zygotes zygotes when events occur that alır.Tüm toward the uterine cavity in the tube journey continues. 4. By Day into the uterus has reached Morula. At this stage, rapid cell division continues and begins to create a space in the center of Morula. This phase is called the formation to the Blastocyst. Although still in the zona pellucida size cells become flat and focuses. Blastocyst stage cells faklılaşmasıda balşamaktadır now. Cells that will form part embryoyu while the rest embryobalastlar placenta cells differ as to make trofoblast.
5-6 days after fertilization without implantation into the uterus that begins settlement. Blastocyst pellucidayı rip out shingles. This is called hatching. In the meantime, the uterus secretes an enzyme trafoblastlar changes in cell structure and a Blastocyst implantation area provides. At the same time starts to secrete the hormone hCG trofoblastlardan. These hormones are hormones that make pregnancy tests positive. Following implantation endometrium (inner uterine membrane) increases, and added that part of pregnancy in the blood is necessary for more blood circulation begins.
Fertilization, the baby's gender is evident immediately. If the sperm fertilize the X chromosome carries the baby girl, the male will carry the Y chromosome. Therefore, in determining the sex of the baby boys, that is the father. Woman's baby is no gender roles in the slightest. In this circuit to determine sex, but with genetic analysis is possible. Which is not certain at this stage, only sex. 38 weeks later to say hello to the world of the individual's eye color to blood type is straight forward and all the genetic structure be changed.
Changes in the mother
Mothers at this stage there is no change in any physical or mental. In the form of a slight staining alone during implantation bleeding may occur.
4. Week
At the end of this week you will be mother to the whole world can be announced. Normally, one should see when your piece was delayed. Such delays may be from time to time, but if you are still excited. So why will remain in the more curious. To take a pregnancy test from the pharmacy immediately at home, do. If you remove the negative buoyant results immediately because from time to time Do not be negative pregnancy tests. In this situation needs to be done immediately, the most intelligent business almakdır your doctor appointments. Yet you do not have a doctor immediately start asking your friends. Today, a woman's conscious mind and inserted it into the regular ones vision can ask a gynecologist to the lack of a shame. Your doctor will examine you. During this period, gestational sac on the ultrasound is generally not possible. However, the pregnancy test in the blood 100e% whether the best accuracy can detect pregnancy. If the pregnancy if your doctor will advise you.
If you see one or more pregnancies or try to avoid being upset. Pregnancy rate of 25% on the first try is only mind. Continue to experiment. If you are not pregnant even though one delay treatment, your doctor will make you see units.
Some physiological and psychological changes in a pregnant woman is. Premenstrual symptoms at this stage is almost the same symptoms. Weakness, fatigue and breast tenderness is located.
In the meantime, let's take a look at what happens in the inside. Approximately 1 week later, took place without fertilization impalantasyon called trofoblast cells and endometrial cells cause an hasarlayarak are tiny pool of blood. This triggers the lake and would occur if no new vessel formation of the placental circulation begins. Group of cells is called Embryoblast multiply rapidly creates a 2-layer disc. Layers above this one as amniotic membrane and embryo development while the lower layer, called the yolk sac formation will bring.
4. At the end of the week, called chorionic villus tissue of the uterus into the blood vessel formation proceeds and the embryo starts. The yolk sac blood system are composed of the cells started to produce. At the end of this week between embryo and placenta, a process called connecting stalk and this will then constitute the umbilical cord.
A thin layer of cells on the disc still embryonic emergence called gastrulation was coming to determine the circuit. At the end of this process of embryo 3 layers, ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm is formed.
* 5 Week
The effect of hormone secretion and early pregnancy symptoms you will feel. Fullness and tenderness in the breast this week, the most common symptoms seen in general yakınmadır.Sürekli sleepiness and fatigue. The growth capacity of your bladder Uterusunuzdaki for azalltığı may need to go to the bathroom frequently. If you still go to your doctor before you did not go because biran time to meet live on your inner vaginal ultrasonography geldi.Doktorunuz pregnancy sac in the uterus will show you. If you can not be seen if this is a cut in the ultrasound could be an ectopic pregnancy. Life-threatening ectopic pregnancy is a serious condition that can, so not to delay your first check your own interests is the ex.
Without fertilization after 16 will accelerate the development of a day well. Endoderm layer surrounding the lungs of the membranes, tongue, tonsils, urethra, bladder and digestive system was developed and mesodermden muscles, bones, lymph system, spleen, blood cells, heart, lungs and reproductive and excretory systems farklılaşır.Cilt, nails, hair, eye lens layer , hearing system, nose, sinuses, mouth, anus, tooth enamel, pituitary gland, breast tissue and the nervous system differ from the ectoderm layer. 17-19 days after fertilization without a armuta similar embryonic field. Head portion is wider than the tail. Ectoderm layer thickens to form the neural plate. This plate edges curl, and is called the neural groove. This is the draft of the nervous system and early embryo development is one of the organ systems.
At the end of this week the baby's blood cells and epithelial cells were formed started to create channels between. 21. days is reached on both sides mesodermden originating somit neural groove and begin to appear starting from the tail section. The early primitive heart tube of cells Endokardial caused embryodaki.
* 6 Week
Maybe it's more that you are pregnant you will notice that no complaints. You can not see any difference with your life before pregnancy. You should know that inside you have a factory and can not imagine how fast it works. Activities in each individual embryo cells continuously. As a result, some complaints this faliyet slowly begins to emerge. Like many women you wake up the morning especially when you notice that your stomach may find you can even vomit. In the past you no longer smell of food from landmarks that have attracted gives you or your partner's disgust that many of your favorite perfume suddenly find that in fact did no good. No smoking so your colleagues has disturbed you. In fact, all these smells again as before. Changing you. Of pregnancy hormones in your brain to stimulate the nausea center as a result of this situation are referred to as emesis gravidarum. If nausea and vomiting severe enough to affect your life and your Diet is a table of the developed demektir.Bu case hiperemesis gravidarum may have to use drugs.
This period is critical for the development of the baby's organs alcohol, such as smoking may be harmful to the baby matters and should be avoided. Many mothers were pregnant during this period that their favorite candidate and would like to share with friends and family to a new individual will participate in this week is good news. Some mothers to share the happy news of the passing of the period of low risk and normal pregnancies are waiting to watch to make sure. Both the behavior is normal.
21-23 days after fertilization without embryo size was up to 1.5-3 mm. In this period of change in question is very fast and birbüyüme. The number is up to 4-12 somit couples. Eye and ear stubs has occurred. Neural tube begins to close slowly. Is called the crown part of the neural skull and the head tube to create a united and S başlar.Oluşan 2 endokardial result returns in the form of a single tube. This asymmetric formation, and during this period primitive heart begins to contract. That embryo has begun to take heart. However, vessels with fully developed flow does not complete.
Developing embryo and placenta depends on the connecting stalk. The most advanced system is a central nervous system and completely kapanmıştır.27 forebrain. C has taken shape at the end of the day embryo. Face and size to create the curves is evident. And which will take kulakcıkları heart ventricle septalar belirir.Kapakçıklar begin to develop. The cells will form the digestive system liver, stomach and pancreas to produce starts to become different. Becoming the first group of cells of different digestive system which will make the liver cells. Embryo size was 5 mm up.
* 7 Week
Still nothing from the outside you notice frenetic faliyet continues etmesenizde embryonuzda. At the end of this week until your baby boy will be a bean of them. If you look directly into the uterus or if a camera placement was a chance you'll see just an object such as a bean of them pay attention to the top parts of beans olacaktı.Bu you noticed two small black dots textbox. Here are two small points that will have your baby's eyes, even the network layer of the eye as retinal başlar.Biraz to occur more in the pin at the edge of the small depressions also gelişecektir.Bu ear organs as well as the balance is involved in hearing. A primitive mouth and language differences in this week edilebilir.Yine begin to arm and leg buds. In case of a thin layer of skin appears. Is divided into 3 main parts ulaşılır.Beyin somit 30-40. Thyroid gland development continues, to occur the first time in the lymphatic system and blood cells and plasma başlar.Kalp parts dolar.Kan circulation consists of two parts başlamıştır.Şimdilik heart at times is 150 minutes. Doppler ultrasound with your doctor about your baby's heartbeat continues .. you dinletebilir.Akciğer development of gallbladder, stomach, intestine and pancreas development continues. Blood from the placenta reaches the liver. Environment and takes into amniotic stalkı connecting. Later in adult umbilical connecting stalk, called a vesicle formation as is evident now quite kalır.Kol buds begin to contrast the new leg buds. Amniotic sac is now completely in embryo muscles and bones to create yerleşmiştir.Somitler starts to become different.
From the outside will notice that you are pregnant is not any difference. In this period can be 1-2 or may be given weight. In both cases is normal. Early symptoms of pregnancy slowly begins to decrease, whereas nausea and vomiting may increase. This will be more complaints, especially in early morning.
8. weeks
EL Fali is BAK!
Terminological called respect your baby are still embryo. This is because of a ledge at the bottom is caudal. The only part of your baby developing this projection is minimized. While other parts continue to grow rapidly growing etmektedir.Özellikle brain and head covers continue to eder.Göz interpret available in the form of curves. Lower jaw to become apparent differ başlar.Omurilik development sürdürür.Üst palate. Tip of the nose occurs. Development of the teeth under the gums differ başlatır.Yemek pipes and valves in the windpipe ayrılır.Kalp difference from chamber to be indistinguishable başlar.Kalbin 4. The lungs are located on both sides of the esophagus. To grow in the kidneys begin to occur başlar.Kollar cylindrical shape at the ends of hands per month, to appear. In the nerve conduction is Handle folds başlar.Yine arms. This gelecekdeki dirsekdir folds.
Do not feel like you still pregnant? It does not matter. More time in front of you and things will be experienced. For example, a closed fist before pregnancy up to your uterus until artkı orange was almost even. From time to time in the womb you will feel these growths can cause abdominal cramps. In the meantime, you can feel yourself during adolescence. Because hormonal changes depending on the skin starts to show the changes will begin. An oily skin and acne the most typical indicator are added. Gradually begin to improve your psychological state and pregnancy Kabul. Now begin to adjust to pregnancy.
* 9 weeks
I have to pee!
Embryonic tail has disappeared thoroughly. Cartilage and bone tissue has started to build. Intestine within the umbilical cord to migrate towards the abdominal cavity organs başlarlar.Beyin is still the largest. To be a certain gap formation başlar.Ağız esophagus can be seen. Pinna differ. Retinal can be thoroughly clear. Edilebilir.Burun difference eyelids belirir.Koku holes to take the injured nerve oluşur.Yemek pipe is extended and the heart pumps blood running in two different directions başlar.Meme tips belirgindir.İnce intestine is extended, kidney formation is completed and the first time to produce urine başlar.İlkel sex cells to create starts. Differentiation of external genital organs are still more girls or boys that başlamıştır.Ancak bell, however. Hand and elbow becomes apparent. Nerve conduction in the legs in water başlar.Bebek swim in the gently begins to move.
You also for the second menstrual period is delayed. Although a significant weight gain and breast fullness and tenderness they will grow. During this period, you may need to start wearing supportive bra. Stomach contents into the esophagus as a result of how many may have a burning sensation. During this period, approximately 300 calories daily calorie need has increased. Should you drink plenty of milk to get enough calcium. If you do not like to drink milk if you are better special drugs or consume dairy products like fat-free cheese can.
* 10 weeks
47-48 days after the first time, brain waves Fertilizasyondan to be produced and başlar.Kafa is perpendicular situation will develop in the part kulakda balance. Development of the lips is complete. Eyes and testicular or ovarian development as kapalıdır.Gonadlar differ. Completes the development of heart greatly. Developed outside of the body of the intestine into the abdominal cavity and feet thoroughly ederler.Diz movement becomes apparent. Toes and nails is decided. Muscles to gain strength başlar.Kız clitoris male infants is infants penis gelişir.Hemen almost all joints and muscles of the formation is completed for the baby no longer in the water bladder starts to move, but these movements you feel it is not sufficient for the end of the week your baby called organogenesis organ development period was completed. Of these organs in the rest of the pregnancy will be maturing.
In this period, mothers of the fluctuations in mood is very common. From time to time you may feel very happy melancholic from time to time. This too is normal. and your developing baby's teeth and gums of your own health should be sure you are getting enough fluoride. Your blood volume increases in the vein near your skin may notice a dark Encounters. This is evident especially in the legs and breast. Weight reduction is now also begin to increase during this period of your başladı.Bulantı and vomiting in can be expected.
* 11 weeks
Starting this week, your baby no longer inside you will not be called embryo. He is now a huge and long FETUS most critical period of about 3 santimetre.Gebeliğin now ended. This week has been growing rapidly in the brain and fetus size constitutes only half of the head. Eyes are closed eyelids of the fetus and mature under the iris is resume. Kidneys in urine production begins on the face amount of the amniotic fluid begins to rise, and this week is about 50 ml.
On the size of a grapefruit you have reached the uterus, but still takes place within the pelvis. Will see an increase of nausea is reduced iştahda. During this period some of the prenatal tests can be done. Your doctor will guide you on this issue. In recent days, winning the first trimester screening tests increasingly popularity realistic triple test results are up.
* 12 weeks
20 teeth in the gums in particular has become. Has the appearance of human face, the upper palate in the mouth began to merge. Facial skin begins to appear within the hair follicle. Fetus and completes the formation of vocal cords in the larynx in theory may sound fetus. In the abdominal cavity was entered into the intestine and abdominal movements began. The liver begins to secrete bile and the secretion is stored in the gallbladder bile. Thyroid, and pancreas development completes. Pankreasdan insulin is secreted. External genital organs in both sexes but did not complete development in girls big and small lips, penis and bags for men distinguished by careful observation and feet nails edilebilir.Ellerde starts to grow. Nervous system becomes a little more mature fetusda develop reflexes. During this period, very sensitive skin. Some of the bones harden started. 12. coming weeks will continue to grow upwards when the uterus outside the abdominal cavity and enters the pelvis. Now you do not do too much pressure on the bladder, frequent urination request amount is reduced. This situation continues in this manner until the last 3 months. In this week of headache and dizziness complaints are frequently encountered. Low risk decreased to a great extent. Your doctor to specify it with each maternal psychologically as you relax you'll notice. Gums pregnancy adversely affected and you make an appointment for your dentist to undergo examination is beneficial for your note. This week for the control teeth is very appropriate term.
* 13 weeks
Now more and more people are similar to the fetus. Eyes from the side of the head begins to shift towards the middle. Ear to their normal position towards the movement. Viewed from outside the baby's sex can be determined easily. Ultrasound for sex determination, but still rare and high quality devices erkendir.Çok in this week to determine possible gender-long olmaktadır.Bebeğin is a bit more space. This week is the last week of the first trimester. Early signs of pregnancy and its complaints almost never too kalmamıştır.Bu period as possible and not get tired to rest and surrounding gerekir.Rahim grow is stretched and the stretching itself is held in place by the membrane. This can be detected in the form of a slight groin pain. Called round ligament pain to come this is temporary and is not important. The hormone affects everything cause changes in skin downloads. Especially in the face and neck may be if no stains. This is known as pregnancy mask or Chloasma. Is a temporary situation and after birth are correct. Your wife has now begun to grow. In the past the clothes started coming to narrow. The time has come to buy clothing for pregnant women.
* 14 weeks
The second most comfortable period of pregnancy terimestara welcome. Your baby is no longer completely human in appearance. Depending on power development in the muscles of the head is not leaning forward. From time to time can keep his head upright. With ultrasound, your doctor will examine your baby is waving. Yes, your baby can no longer use his hands. A reflex action, but get this completely though. Say hello to you a nice feeling for the first time, right? In the meantime, your baby is now completely different from the others. Because now it unchanged until the end of life will be accompanied by the fingerprints have! ... Now own approximately 25 grams in weight and 10 centimeters high. Now with the help of all the nutrients and oxygen to the placenta takes you. Be completed with sleep and fatigue halide Plasentasyonun you will be eliminated. Ministers from the outside if I pay attention enough that you are pregnant they can understand. With the effects of progesterone hormone in all smooth muscle relaxation has occurred. This back pain, constipation and mild decrease in blood pressure as you will be reflected. Nausea is the past but with the stomach contents progesteronun relaxant effect on your esophagus can flee and burning. The correct diet for nausea passed, energy goes up. At this stage of pregnancy, many women had lost their sex drive is re-gained. This is a nice situation. Note that there is not any complications during pregnancy sexual intercourse is not prohibited.
* 15 weeks
This week's surprising news: Baby is out of your hair. Developing the baby's head on a thin and silky hair called lanugo begins to appear. This primitive hair are lost at birth. The second important news is the baby's thumb sucking begin. Under ultrasound the baby's finger in your mouth that your doctor will tell you görütüp em. Do not be afraid this will be after the birth of the baby does not show finger sucking habit. Mother's womb is only a reflex. Every baby in ane abdominal finger absorbs a rule is that he does not, but during the ultrasound examination is a state frequently encountered. During this period, the baby's skin is very thin and can be seen under the skin vessels. Your belly has grown quite reached this period. When you take your hand on your abdomen may feel like a ball uterusunuzu. Among the public also called the mouth of the breast and may klostrum called liquid. This is normal.
* 16 weeks
In the eyes and ears this week when the baby is born will have come to the last location. To develop simple reflexes such as eye blinking and the ears başlar.Benzer have taken the last position. Fetal feces, called meconium intestines began to accumulate. This stool-like structures of the fetus swallows the amniotic fluid, secretion of digestive system cells and spills occur. Is a structure in the dark-colored paste consistency. Nerve fibers and their properties coated with substances which will begin in myelin name. Myelin for nerve conduction is an extremely important matter. Circulatory system has been fully and fonkisyonel. Baby's placenta to fetus is about. Umbilical cord system begins to mature. 120 grams baby has grown enough to fit in your palm. Under ultrasound the baby's hiccups can be determined. This is one of the cue breathing. Another first this week the baby is the emergence of the light reflex. No longer react to light may theoretically have expected. This week is very important in every respect. Once the mother and the father of the candidate they most worry about in the first place, perhaps at the beginning of this week the baby's gender is clarified. Ultrasound equipment and an experienced eye a good 16 per week on a very large baby's sex is determined by a probability. In some cases 12-14. gender can be seen in weeks, or until the last period of pregnancy is a rare condition but that may not be ever seen. In this week of the baby's gender as a reviewer to determine the actual experience of the physicians in this week bağlıdır.Yine extremely important in terms of down syndrome screening test can be done with a triple. This test is ideal for interval 16-20. For weeks. Experienced mothers may feel the baby's first movements this week. However, an abnormal situation of no movement is felt does not mean. The first pregnancy occurs at around 20 weeks of this living.
* 17 weeks
Reached the baby's skin under the seventeenth week oil repositories slowly begins to fill. Enter your baby's rapid growth phase, this is an indication. To grow, depending on your weight gain in an amount you will accelerate. Until this week have received between 2-4 pounds is normal. Baby's all organ systems are functional. In addition, the amniotic fluid in the face and back are attracted to the lung. This primitive is breathing. After the baby's birth will ensure normal breathing is required for maturation of the systems. With an incredible effort the heart has to pump blood continuously. Can be difficult to believe but it's your baby's heart approximately 25-30 liters per day pumping blood to the body. You hand your wife reaches the size of your uterus may feel. This week's top points of the uterine fundus that is under the belly değiliğin 3-4 fingers. Many mothers in this week to hear concerns for the baby. Will be on how the baby is healthy and not be worried this week will win in the density. The triple test will be slightly may resolve these concerns. Where do still birth and birth will you make a decision about doctors this week that have not is a good time.
The magic pills for weight loss
Slimming Drugs
Usually possible for us to lose weight the quickest and most will look for the easiest way we'll stop. In this way, the size of hundreds of billions dollars have developed an industry finds: diet drugs and diet foods sector. But we offered to do these products work and more importantly, these products can harm our health? To help those currently dieting to lose weight, aim for many popular drugs are ilekullanılan 5-6. In addition to these, such as food or food can be consumed instead of many products that are said would weaken. Some of those overweight using weight loss products, mostly to experiment with its own opinion and some methods are much less medication.
Obesity (obesity) can be regarded as a chronic disease and other chronic diseases, such as there are degrees. The degree of obesity as body mass index (BMI) is calculated with (click to calculate).
As a result, the higher your BMI is considered a disease that may develop obesity due to chance of capturing the more.
BMI value of 30 or above out, weakened the requirements for using the medication the person is could be called. Or over 27 and the number of your BMI and obesity may be associated with a disease you have (diabetes, hypertension, etc.) may still need to use weight loss drugs.
Among the most used ones slimming drug Reductil (= Meridian) and Xenical (orlistat =) dir. The effects of both drugs is very different mechanisms, along with one veher comes with side effects. Both drugs also have effects that could help to weaken, but both are NOT what we are MAGICAL HAP.
Reductil appetite is not sharp, but the appetite control centers in the brain has on the meat. Many other antidepressant effect of the brain (from the middle lift depression) drugs is like.
Reductil, causes a feeling of control over people. Issue in particular constantly feeling hungry and foods Reductil authors to think that the ideal can not withhold itself are specified. According to a manufacturer of pharmaceutical drugs are used at the end of the first few months at least 2-2.5 kg weight loss can be expected.
Side effects are usually mild and Reducti in dry mouth, constipation, insomnia and headache can do it. With some buying Reductil dangerous increase in blood pressure were determined in degrees, so the first few aytansiyonunuzun control may be necessary.
Of people with blood pressure problems may be harmful to take Reductil, is called. In addition, children under 16 years of age, those who use antidepressant drugs and migraine medicine fields also are advised not to take Reductil.
Xenical (orlistat)
Orlistat, a third of food received oil to be absorbed by the intestine is blocked. Two-thirds of oil is not absorbed by the intestine is taken dışkıile.
Unpleasant side effects of Orlistat increased gas formation, frequent defecation, oily stool is ishalve. Yet according to experts, these side effects decreased over time, but over time much oil can be renewed any durumdayan effects increased again.
Manufacturers, low-calorie diet of the people who use ongoing and Orlistat on average 6.5-7 kg in one year, whereas only low-calorie diet they fed on weakening the average of 2.5-3 kg in one year, claiming they are weakened. One-third of oil being thrown em, so these drug users extra olarakyağda soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K vitamins and beta carotene) almalarıönerilmektedir.
Spastic colon (irirtabıl bowel syndrome), digestive problems, such as those used Orlistat is not recommended.
These drugs have easy and quick solutions for you?
Some experts of diet pills and enough is quick and easy solutions for those who want to lose weight, in the expectation of miracles should not say.
Different thought some of the experts they all of these drugs little effect and that the best work according to the results, even with these medications but your weight 10% given were detected are indicated, also the use of these drugs put an end to re-gain weight when you can start to do he added.
A point that should not be forgotten and you are receiving a drug will be more or less side effects also and always be careful uznutmayın.
However, one common point, they have combined all the experts: weight loss drugs to the person's request to change their lifestyle, how much better they are contributing. Weight loss drugs you can make it easier vekontrol be, but even the best drug to lose weight only and only you can help your enterprise, you alone çabaharcamadıkça drugs fail to undermine you.
Usually possible for us to lose weight the quickest and most will look for the easiest way we'll stop. In this way, the size of hundreds of billions dollars have developed an industry finds: diet drugs and diet foods sector. But we offered to do these products work and more importantly, these products can harm our health? To help those currently dieting to lose weight, aim for many popular drugs are ilekullanılan 5-6. In addition to these, such as food or food can be consumed instead of many products that are said would weaken. Some of those overweight using weight loss products, mostly to experiment with its own opinion and some methods are much less medication.
Obesity (obesity) can be regarded as a chronic disease and other chronic diseases, such as there are degrees. The degree of obesity as body mass index (BMI) is calculated with (click to calculate).
As a result, the higher your BMI is considered a disease that may develop obesity due to chance of capturing the more.
BMI value of 30 or above out, weakened the requirements for using the medication the person is could be called. Or over 27 and the number of your BMI and obesity may be associated with a disease you have (diabetes, hypertension, etc.) may still need to use weight loss drugs.
Among the most used ones slimming drug Reductil (= Meridian) and Xenical (orlistat =) dir. The effects of both drugs is very different mechanisms, along with one veher comes with side effects. Both drugs also have effects that could help to weaken, but both are NOT what we are MAGICAL HAP.
Reductil appetite is not sharp, but the appetite control centers in the brain has on the meat. Many other antidepressant effect of the brain (from the middle lift depression) drugs is like.
Reductil, causes a feeling of control over people. Issue in particular constantly feeling hungry and foods Reductil authors to think that the ideal can not withhold itself are specified. According to a manufacturer of pharmaceutical drugs are used at the end of the first few months at least 2-2.5 kg weight loss can be expected.
Side effects are usually mild and Reducti in dry mouth, constipation, insomnia and headache can do it. With some buying Reductil dangerous increase in blood pressure were determined in degrees, so the first few aytansiyonunuzun control may be necessary.
Of people with blood pressure problems may be harmful to take Reductil, is called. In addition, children under 16 years of age, those who use antidepressant drugs and migraine medicine fields also are advised not to take Reductil.
Xenical (orlistat)
Orlistat, a third of food received oil to be absorbed by the intestine is blocked. Two-thirds of oil is not absorbed by the intestine is taken dışkıile.
Unpleasant side effects of Orlistat increased gas formation, frequent defecation, oily stool is ishalve. Yet according to experts, these side effects decreased over time, but over time much oil can be renewed any durumdayan effects increased again.
Manufacturers, low-calorie diet of the people who use ongoing and Orlistat on average 6.5-7 kg in one year, whereas only low-calorie diet they fed on weakening the average of 2.5-3 kg in one year, claiming they are weakened. One-third of oil being thrown em, so these drug users extra olarakyağda soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K vitamins and beta carotene) almalarıönerilmektedir.
Spastic colon (irirtabıl bowel syndrome), digestive problems, such as those used Orlistat is not recommended.
These drugs have easy and quick solutions for you?
Some experts of diet pills and enough is quick and easy solutions for those who want to lose weight, in the expectation of miracles should not say.
Different thought some of the experts they all of these drugs little effect and that the best work according to the results, even with these medications but your weight 10% given were detected are indicated, also the use of these drugs put an end to re-gain weight when you can start to do he added.
A point that should not be forgotten and you are receiving a drug will be more or less side effects also and always be careful uznutmayın.
However, one common point, they have combined all the experts: weight loss drugs to the person's request to change their lifestyle, how much better they are contributing. Weight loss drugs you can make it easier vekontrol be, but even the best drug to lose weight only and only you can help your enterprise, you alone çabaharcamadıkça drugs fail to undermine you.
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