Monday, August 24, 2009

The magic pills for weight loss

Slimming Drugs

Usually possible for us to lose weight the quickest and most will look for the easiest way we'll stop. In this way, the size of hundreds of billions dollars have developed an industry finds: diet drugs and diet foods sector. But we offered to do these products work and more importantly, these products can harm our health? To help those currently dieting to lose weight, aim for many popular drugs are ilekullanılan 5-6. In addition to these, such as food or food can be consumed instead of many products that are said would weaken. Some of those overweight using weight loss products, mostly to experiment with its own opinion and some methods are much less medication.

Obesity (obesity) can be regarded as a chronic disease and other chronic diseases, such as there are degrees. The degree of obesity as body mass index (BMI) is calculated with (click to calculate).

As a result, the higher your BMI is considered a disease that may develop obesity due to chance of capturing the more.

BMI value of 30 or above out, weakened the requirements for using the medication the person is could be called. Or over 27 and the number of your BMI and obesity may be associated with a disease you have (diabetes, hypertension, etc.) may still need to use weight loss drugs.

Among the most used ones slimming drug Reductil (= Meridian) and Xenical (orlistat =) dir. The effects of both drugs is very different mechanisms, along with one veher comes with side effects. Both drugs also have effects that could help to weaken, but both are NOT what we are MAGICAL HAP.

Reductil appetite is not sharp, but the appetite control centers in the brain has on the meat. Many other antidepressant effect of the brain (from the middle lift depression) drugs is like.

Reductil, causes a feeling of control over people. Issue in particular constantly feeling hungry and foods Reductil authors to think that the ideal can not withhold itself are specified. According to a manufacturer of pharmaceutical drugs are used at the end of the first few months at least 2-2.5 kg weight loss can be expected.

Side effects are usually mild and Reducti in dry mouth, constipation, insomnia and headache can do it. With some buying Reductil dangerous increase in blood pressure were determined in degrees, so the first few aytansiyonunuzun control may be necessary.

Of people with blood pressure problems may be harmful to take Reductil, is called. In addition, children under 16 years of age, those who use antidepressant drugs and migraine medicine fields also are advised not to take Reductil.

Xenical (orlistat)
Orlistat, a third of food received oil to be absorbed by the intestine is blocked. Two-thirds of oil is not absorbed by the intestine is taken dışkıile.

Unpleasant side effects of Orlistat increased gas formation, frequent defecation, oily stool is ishalve. Yet according to experts, these side effects decreased over time, but over time much oil can be renewed any durumdayan effects increased again.

Manufacturers, low-calorie diet of the people who use ongoing and Orlistat on average 6.5-7 kg in one year, whereas only low-calorie diet they fed on weakening the average of 2.5-3 kg in one year, claiming they are weakened. One-third of oil being thrown em, so these drug users extra olarakyağda soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K vitamins and beta carotene) almalarıönerilmektedir.

Spastic colon (irirtabıl bowel syndrome), digestive problems, such as those used Orlistat is not recommended.

These drugs have easy and quick solutions for you?

Some experts of diet pills and enough is quick and easy solutions for those who want to lose weight, in the expectation of miracles should not say.

Different thought some of the experts they all of these drugs little effect and that the best work according to the results, even with these medications but your weight 10% given were detected are indicated, also the use of these drugs put an end to re-gain weight when you can start to do he added.

A point that should not be forgotten and you are receiving a drug will be more or less side effects also and always be careful uznutmayın.

However, one common point, they have combined all the experts: weight loss drugs to the person's request to change their lifestyle, how much better they are contributing. Weight loss drugs you can make it easier vekontrol be, but even the best drug to lose weight only and only you can help your enterprise, you alone çabaharcamadıkça drugs fail to undermine you.

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