Saturday, February 14, 2009

2 out of 10 Spaniards are using new technology to learn about neurological disorders.

• It is the main result of the study by the SEN in 2008, which contrasts with the previous survey in 2005 that the Internet was consulted by only 9% of the Spanish population

• The survey confirms a double trend: the emergence of new technologies in the field of health information and the importance that society gives to education and information on health issues

• Therefore, the Spanish Society of Neurology bet on digital media and communication as a tool for all public know first hand these diseases and improve their prevention and treatment and eliminate the stigma experienced by patients

• Only 18% of Canadian respondents said they had gone to a neurologist throughout his life despite the high prevalence of neurological disorders. Stroke, for example, is the leading cause of death among women in our country

In pursuance of the objectives of the Spanish Society of Neurology to spread awareness of neurological diseases and neuroscience, has a population survey conducted shows that the fact that "2 out of 10 Spaniards who participated in the study identified the Internet as means to search for information on neurological diseases. " And although the percentage is 70% far he go to a family doctor for information, the double trend which has been observed in recent times is the emergence of new technologies in the field of health information and the importance that society gives to education and information on health topics.

Furthermore, according to the survey of SEN, only 18% of respondents said they had gone to a neurologist throughout his life. And among those who reported having visited a neurologist at some time, 33% report having made the visit less than 1 year, followed by 28% who indicated having visited the neurologist "for over 5 years." These data contrast, however, with the trend in the incidence and importance of neurological diseases have had in recent years. According to the impact of social and neurological diseases in Spain, the Fund. Spanish Neurological Disease, it is estimated that between 6 and 7.5 million people suffer from a neurological disease, and is a factor that grows each year due to an aging population and increased life expectancy by reducing mortality other diseases.

The poll, conducted for SEN by the Research Institute in 2008, aims at determining the degree of knowledge that society has about neurological diseases, conferred upon him the severity, how often they visit rioja andalusia neurologist or specialist who wait among other things. The aim of the SEN is also able to compare data from this survey with in 2005 to determine whether the changes that are experienced in the perception of society are at the same rate as the incidence and evolution of disease neurological.

To present the findings of the survey chose the SEN framework of its 60th Annual Meeting, considered the most important forum for the Society promotes the dissemination of key developments and progress in the field of neurology. Below are the results of the study in relation to different variables:

Person or means of obtaining information about neurological diseases
The highlight here is the emergence of the internet as a half to find information on neurological diseases, as compared to the survey by the SEN in the year 2005, this item appeared in 9%. Three years ago, the doctor was the first source in 77% of cases, highlighting the primary care and family-only 6% of respondents.
2008 survey data .-
• Although the doctor stresses (mainly the family) as the person that would be used primarily to report certain neurological diseases (including 7 out of 10 interviewees mentioned the figure of the doctor), the Internet has broken so reaching the level of 23%. He continues, although by far the relatives (6%) as the person or means of obtaining information about neurological disorders.
• For ages, the proportion using the internet has risen among young people. Specifically 35% of respondents between 18 and 24 years as highlighted as a potential means of information.
• Stresses are so significant that people in the Northwest and the East in a percentage greater than 80% decided to go to the doctor for information.
• Family members receive a greater number of mentions among the residents of the North (23%) compared with other regions of Spain.
• Among different doctors cited clearly states the doctor followed by the neurologist. Likewise, among the Internet highlight Google as the main vehicle for finding information, and among family members are named in a greater degree cousins and brothers.

Frequency of visits to the Neurologist
Variable in this study, it is important to note the low percentage of visits to the neurologist, since only 18% of respondents claim to have visited the Neurologist's ever in your life. This percentage is significantly higher visitation in men (22% vs. 14%). Similarly, the percentage of visits was higher among young people aged 18-24 (25%), and data that contradicts the widespread perception that neurological diseases are unique to the "elderly" - and those between 55-64 years (22%), those of lower middle class / low (21%) and residents of the Northeast (25%) and South (25%).
This contrasts, however, the fact that neurological diseases have increased in incidence and importance. Cerebrovascular disease incidence has increased in recent times due to the aging of the population: if in 2003 the prevalence of stroke in patients older than 65 years was 7.5%, indicating the expectation that 2030 will be 742,500 patients in Spain and 2050 would be 1,129,000, according to the latest report from the Spanish Foundation for Neurologic Diseases (FEEN).
2008 survey data .-
• Among those who indicated having visited the Neurologist on occasion, 33% report having made the visit less than 1 years and they are followed by those who claim to have made the visit for over 5 years (28%).
• They come to be people between 35-44 years who have most recently visited the neurologist, as well as those of middle and middle class residents in the East (56%).
• On the lower frequency of visits, it stands out among people 45-54 years (60%) and inhabitants of the South (35%.
• The main reason for the visit to the Neurologist consultation relates to the treatment of headache (19%), followed by migraine (17%).
• Are people from 55 to 64 years in which a higher percentage of subjects attending Headache (46%) and migraine (36%). Also, the headaches have a greater impact in the Northeast (27%) and Northwest (29%), while migraines are mentioned more in the center (31%).
• The main route by which it reaches the Neurologist is through the GP, as indicated by half of people who claim to have seen the neurologist. This was followed by the respondent's own decision to go to consultation (15%) and because they come from prescribed emergencies (14%).
• Access from the GP has the greatest effect among those respondents aged 55-64 (73%) residents in the South Peninsula (70%) and those of upper class / upper middle (67%).
• It is among the inhabitants of the Northeast where his own decision to visit a Neurologist is strongest (27% recall).

Awareness of disease
This variable, called attention to change considerably to knowledge of neurological diseases has been experienced among respondents with regard to the latest survey conducted by the SEN in the year 2005. Currently, Alzheimer's and Parkinson are among the five best-known diseases while in 2005 only came with Alzheimer's disease such as cancer or depression.
2008 survey data .-
• Among the most famous include the Cancer and Alzheimer's disease, where 95% and 94% respectively demonstrate their knowledge of these diseases. A follow them notoriety as a percentage of depression (93% of knowledge), osteoarthritis (91%) and Parkinson (90%).
• When considering only the degree of awareness of neurological diseases, Alzheimer's disease becomes better known (94%), followed by Parkinson (90%) and migraine (87%).
• Although cancer is the most well known disease, by age group highlights that in the groups 35-44 years and 55-64 years of Alzheimer's has greater knowledge, even beyond the cancer and even in this last group Depression of 55-65 to be the best known disease.

Specialist to be used for that type of disease
This section is where you can see one of the most notable changes with respect to the 2005 survey. At that time, only 16% of respondents come from a neurologist to treat diseases such as multiple sclerosis and even surprising answers as to 39% would turn to to deal with this trauma disorder of the nervous system directly and 38% do not know what kind consult. Currently, in the 2008 survey, participants referred to the neurologist have all those diseases of neuronal character. This was followed in the family doctor endorsements.
2008 survey data .-
• Based on all those who have referred to a specialist neurologist who would resort to any of the mentioned types of disease, it is clear that Alzheimer's is where more people would turn from a neurologist (68%), followed by Parkinson ( 58%) and migraine (55%).
• Among the neurological diseases, the MS would be one in which there is less association with the figure of the neurologist, and we find that only 30% would come from a neurologist.

Consideration of the level of severity of neurological disease
In the earlier study, the neurological disease is more serious consideration for respondents was multiple sclerosis, although not known to the specialist who treated with a level of severity of 6.6 on 7 (very severe), almost equal to the severity of the cancer. The new data show that stroke, which is currently the leading cause of death among women, has become the neurological disorder is considered more serious.

2008 survey data .-
• Cancer is a disease considered to be more serious, with an average severity of 6.62 points on a scale from 1 (nothing serious) to 7 (very severe).
• When Cancer is still the level of seriousness with a stroke average of 6.48 and 6.42 of an Alzheimer half seriously.
• Migraines (4.72) and headaches (4.47) are less serious in those types of opinions the interviewees.
• Considering only the nature of neurological diseases, stroke, as discussed above, is considered to be the most serious disease, followed by Alzheimer (6.42 seriousness about 7 points), the MS (6.32) and dementia (6.01 ).
• Although there are no significant differences, it is seen that stroke has a greater impact on severity among women (6.53), those aged 18-24 (6.60), the middle class and low-low (6.60 ) and residents in the South (6.57).


Ratings Neurólogo Vs Other Specialties
• In assessing the specialty of Neurólogo, almost half of those aware of the existence of that particular value as excellent or very good, that percentage rises to 64% if one considers also those that give a good assessment. On a scale of 1-7, the average value is about 5.70 points.
• Only 4% rate the specialty of Neurology as bad or very bad.
• When positioning andalusia Neurólogo compared to others, it would occupy the second position value (average of 5.70 points out of 7) below the trauma (average 5.72) and above other specialists such as the oncologist, ophthalmologist, gynecologist etc..
• Although there are no significant differences, it is women who give an average higher than for men (5.74 to 5.65 for men) and those with 55 and 64 years (5.72).
• In class, out of the middle class and low-low as those that give a higher rating (5.95). They are residents in the Northeast (6.12), South (5.93) and Central (5.80) which have a view of the most valued Neurólogo compared to Northern (4.35).

Expectations and Assessment of Neurologist
• Among the different aspects that are expected to accomplish in the course of visiting the neurologist, include the proper treatment (37% of mentions), followed by the solution to problems (30%) and do everything possible to heal andalusia sick (22%).
• Regarding the priority areas worth a visit to the neurologist, two stand above the rest like the fact that Neurólogo relieve the symptoms of the disease and help prevent disease, both with 27% recall.

Awareness of Neurology
• When asked about the degree of knowledge about the specialty of neurology, 28% of spontaneously mentioned, that percentage rises to 69% when it is suggested that specialty, positioning itself as the first known specialty suggested above other specialties such as rheumatology, gynecology, oncology, etc..
• Considering the total number of mentions (spontaneous + suggested), neurology represents the second most famous specialty of cardiology behind, namely the 82% refers to the specialty of Neurology.
• They come to be aged between 18 and 24 years (87%) and those 35-44 years (87%) which have greater visibility of the specialty of Neurology. Similarly, it is the residents in the East (85%) and South Peninsula (90%) who have greater knowledge.

Source information neurologist and / or neurological diseases
• The principal means by which it is aware of the figure of the neurologist and / or neurological diseases is represented by the family, mentioned in 50% of cases. Followed by information obtained through the doctor (18%) and television, with 15% recall.
• women who are at a significantly higher percentage of men to have consistency across the family (56% vs. 45%). They are people between 25-34 years (57%) and residents of the Northwest (62%) who have also learned through the family.
• The doctor is strongest among young people aged 18-24 (31%) and inhabitants of the North (34%) and television among those 45-54 and 65 and over (19%) and inhabitants of Central and Northeast (19%).
• For that point the doctor as a vehicle of information, names the doctor, followed by the neurologist and specialist in general.


• Universe: Men and women 18 and older.
• Scope: National level by Nielsen Region (Northwest, Northeast, North, Central, South and East) and habitat size (up to 50,000 inhab. / / 50.001-200.000 / / 200.001-500.000 / / more than 200,000)
• Camp dates: June 2008.
• Sample size: 400n. Interview: Telephonic by CATI system (Computer Assisted Personal Interview
• Sampling: Random stratified multistage Nielsen region, province and size of habitat, by telephone households and individuals by sex and age quotas.
• Responsible Institute: RESEARCH S.A. Member AEDEMO, ESOMAR, The Gallup Organization and received the International Code of Ethics ICC / ESOMAR Marketing and Social Research.

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