Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Depression and the pharmaceutical sector

U.S. and signs of stagnation in the world is growing steadily. American financial companies to disclose losses in a row. Yesterday the stock market in the world including the ISE has been hard to drop.

Reflected in the stock market started to slowdown of the source of uneasiness on Thursday past, cities were in Basel, Switzerland. Europe's second largest pharmaceutical company Novartis'in center here. The company is active in 140 countries worldwide and has production facilities in Turkey five. Novartis managers around the world, around 200 journalists from different countries participated in a press conference unveiled the 2007 results and future plans.

Pharmaceuticals and health sector, a vital sector, and thus is not a direct impact in the world to economic fluctuations. The highest impact on the government's "reimbursement system" that some changes in.

Pharmaceutical companies, 2007 has closed quite profitable. It is one of the most important players of the industry financial results Novartis'in it is confirmed. Group sales in 2007, some 8 percent in local currency by increasing the basis of 3 percent to $ 39.8 billion was removed. Percent increase in net income of 11.97 billion dollars 66'lık.

Biotechnological production in 2008 will concentrate on the group, will continue to open research center. Drug development speed, improve productivity and quality will matter. Emerging China, Brazil, Turkey and Korea will focus on the market. To increase speed and efficiency, to reduce costs, and this frame will go to rebuild a 100-thousand workers will split ways with 2 thousand 500.

Despite expectations of a worldwide recession, many pharmaceutical companies like Novartis, this year and hopeful future. The information provided by senior managers from Novartis'in the impression, in the coming period in this sector will experience significant development in the direction.

Novartis chairman Daniel Vasella, the company mergers in the sector will continue after that, as stated, "We just can not maintain your position in the world with organic growth. Also have to make strategic acquisitions." he says.

In fact, Novartis, 1996, Switzerland's largest chemical company with two drugs and Ciba-Geigy and was formed by coming together Sandoz'un purchase a company with growth.

Another question my attention Vasella'nın the "vaccine" on. According to him, "vaccine" in the future will have very great importance. Novartis Vaccines Division President Joerg Reinhardt says the same thing. Rather than long-term treatment to prevent the return of the health sector is going to highlight.

Double-digit sales growth two years Novartis'in vaccine. 36 per cent in 2006, 25th percent in 2007 Reinhardt, 2008 of the new vaccine will be released, but says growth will continue performance.

Probably the most important medicines of the future will be immunized. In this way, many diseases, emerging from the front. People will start after the birth will be protected by vaccination. But this does not mean that the disease will be over in their entirety. Past experience has shown that the drug is a disease is discovered, another disease show begin.

And unfortunately, vaccine development and as a very backward country produced. At this point, our research and development is poor we created. Many countries in this field we work in the billions of dollars invested in not a few.

After the meeting, Dr Novartis Global Head of Drug Development. James would like to chat Shannon'la. They want to focus on developing research in Turkey, but the scarcity of trained staff because of their desire not say speed access. There are currently a part of clinical research are in Turkey, but not yet in other areas of research.

Bird flu disease from cancer in the world many new discoveries waiting. The treatment of cancer research in particular to the property is big money. And some take a long time to research on diseases. Novartis Oncology Department, David Epstein, "the world with more than 200 different types of cancer for years, is one of struggle. For example, breast cancer five years ago was more deadly. Geliştirilen As a result of treatment today, 80 percent of patients can continue their lives." he says.

Topics can be extended, but will be summarized, no matter what drugs and treatment methods, the importance to the sector will continue to lose.

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