Saturday, February 14, 2009 a new form of communication between patients with ADHD, patients' associations, doctors and teachers.

- This portal will be a meeting point for professionals and patients. It advocates the participation of associations and foundations that cater to patients who suffer from ADHD (Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) which affects up to 10% of children and adults, according to WHO.

- Associations and Foundations of ADHD claim through this site to offer financial assistance programs that improve the quality of life of these patients and reveal their problems to get funds. Say they need more financial aid to help the sick and less electoral opportunism.

- This site was created as a new communication channel with two fundamental objectives. First, improve the quality of life of people suffering from ADHD, and secondly, to unify the views of all the specialists, doctors, teachers and families.

- Account in drafting the voluntary collaboration of six pediatric neurologist and psychiatrists nationally and internationally.

Ignorance of the Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the lack of information on the latest treatments to improve their symptoms are the first problems faced by patients suffering from this condition which is between 7 and 10% of children and, similarly, to adults, says the WHO, World Health Organization.

With the intention to meet this demand for information from ADHD, has just launched the so-called Web, intended as a meeting point between medical specialists and psychiatrists pediatric neurologist, Associations and Foundations of Patients and teachers .

Since December, the Web will offer the latest news and all the latest news on ADHD emphasizing the important role being undertaken by the Associations and Foundations of patients to achieve new advances in treatments of this disease. Also, this site will facilitate the participation of patients through the different sections with interviews, news, features and articles. The contents will be fully open.

From the editors of this web site explains that this website has several sections: "News", which addresses a summary of the most outstanding news, "Curiosities," which tracks small attempt to help families and teachers to be alert. Remains the "Our Voices", which is an exclusive section for Associations and Foundations, where they presented their progress and news. Then the "names" that reflects the real first-person testimony of a family or a hyperactive adult. Noteworthy is the section "News" section led by an international scientific team of medical specialists in which they present the latest international scientific developments in the treatment of this condition.

In the drafting of all sections of the writing team of this website is the opinion of the prestigious medical specialists who are currently leading in the treatment of this pathology in both Spain and USA. Emphasizes the participation of Dr. Agustin Legido, Chief neuropediatrics Christopher's Hospital for Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and Dr. Alvaro Pascual Leone, Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School.

In addition, this Web collaborate in five medical specialists who wanted to support this initiative on a voluntary and non-profit, for example, Dr. Fernando Mulas, Chief neuropediatrics Fe Hospital in Valencia and the Valencian Institute of Pediatric Neurology Invanep, Dr. Francisco Montanes, Head of the Psychiatric Hospital of Madrid Alcorcon Foundation, Dr. Julian Vaquerizo, Head of Badajoz neuropediatrics's Hospital pediatric neurologist and Alberto Fernández Jaén. Those three were joined by specialists.

● Nexo doctor: A Scientific Committee where pediatric neurologist and psychiatrists are in agreement

Each of the doctors and their skills have been shared. Dr. Agustin Legido provide vision and the application of the latest ADHD treatment in American hospitals and clinics. The Doctor says that "the most remarkable of this website is to combine approaches in diagnosis and treatment from psychiatrists, pediatric neurologist, and all the specialists involved in treating this disease. We will work together with one common goal: Improving the quality of life of these patients. Doctor says Legido.

Dr. Fernando Mulas is emphatic "We implemented a Web short and readable text that allows us to create a relationship between patients and doctors" - and says "This site represents an interactive practical link between the medical profession. Our mission is to serve society, "says the pediatric neurologist.

● Patients Associations and alleged election promises. No longer will we be silent

For its part, the associations of ADHD patients are not left behind. Bet on the development of these initiatives in the multidisciplinary teams involved, and expressing that ADHD requires a plural.

"On this site we are all in the same boat: psychologists, teachers, physicians, patient associations and foundations, which is a guarantee of success," said Elena Fernandez, President of Fundaicyl, the Foundation for Aid to Children Castilla-Leon.

María Jesús Torres, President of the Association of Pamplona, takes the same view and further adds that they need more practical experiences. "We have called for more tests and specific activities of self-esteem, sensory stimulation. So far, everything we see on the part of specialists is very theoretical. In our country, it takes seven years to children in diagnosing this disease compared to one year in the UK With these differences ... I wonder what is happening in Geriatrics or chronically ill, "recalls the president of the Association of Patients Pamplona

Elena Fernandez is resounding "We have promised a lot. We face a political and social problem. We want this site to reflect our reality the political sector. "The I'll then come." We promise things then do not comply, "added the Director of Fundaicyl.

In his view, the PP is ahead in this area, because this group has just submitted a proposal through a motion calling on the Government to take necessary measures to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment of persons presenting ADHD. "But we all know that politicians make promises and then desdicen with great ease. The sick is not played to win an election. When the elections are approaching and we promise to support, say they earn when they have no budget ... I wonder: What car is it? "Added the Director of Fundaicyl.

● Teachers full support to the Patients Associations

Has finished placing the child with ADHD in the last row because it bothers others. Phrases like "Take her to the school. Do not wait, "should disappear.

Opens this section because evidence in this edition of Web-received many requests from many teachers who have expressed a special interest in helping develop the skills and qualities of people who suffer from ADHD.

"In our local music schools, we have found that adults and children with ADHD, if properly stimulated and motivated, are capable of excellent creative work. His creativity in certain areas is well above average, "says Manuela Ruiz, a piano teacher with over 30 years of experience nationally and internationally.

Correct to state that shares Dr. Luis Rojas Marcos, Professor in Psychiatry and author of numerous works hyperactive states. This specialist explained that, in your case, with the support of their teachers who invested in enhancing their musical qualities. "With ten years of age, passed from a burning forest, with the resulting penalty, the civil guard to play the drums and piano. My teachers helped me develop my talent and the music helped me positivized my weaknesses, "says Professor Marcos Rojas, a father of four children - one with ADHD.

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